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Python Object is Not Callable Error

This error is caused by calling a variable with parenthesis when it is neither a module nor a function. Also, due to an invalid call to imported module’s method

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Convert a List of Tuples to a Dictionary in Python

To convert a list of tuples into a dictionary in Python, use the dict() constructor with either the list comprehension approach or the map() method.

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How to Instantiate a Class in Python

To instantiate a class in Python, simply create a variable and set it equal to a call to the class name with parenthesis, similar to calling a function.

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Remove None from the List Python

To remove all None values, use the remove() with __contains__(), list comprehension with if condition, or the filter() method with Lambda statement.

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Tkinter Radiobutton

To create Radio Buttons in Tkinter, use the Radiobutton() method and pass frame, value, text, variable, and command in the arguments.

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Python String Decode Method

The decode() method is used to decode an already encoded string. To do this, you need to specify the encoding format that was used on the original string.

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Python Count Duplicate in the List

The user can use various approaches to find duplicates in a list including the conversion of a list into a set, the use of the count() or the if-not condition.

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Python Encrypt String

To encrypt strings in Python, you can use the fernet module from the cryptography library. Otherwise, you can utilize the rsa library.

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Tkinter Set Window Size

For the Tkinter window, set the size using the geometry() method, minimum size using the minsize() method and fullscreen it using the attributes() method.

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Tkinter Fonts

“TkFont” class is part of the “tkinter” module and enables the creation and management of “fonts” for text display in GUIs.

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Python Object to String

To convert Python Objects into Python string, the user can make use of the str() constructor method and the repr() method.

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Generate Random RGB Colors in Python

Random RGB Colors can be generated in two formats in Python, one is the hex code and the other is the set of values for Red, Green, and Blue.

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Python error: list indices must be integers or slices, not a tuple

This error is caused by passing a tuple instead of an index value or a range of index values to access the elements of the list.

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How to Install Python 3.9 on Rocky Linux

Python is one of the most popular programming languages. Here’s how to install Python 3.9 on a Rocky Linux system.
The post How to Install Python 3.9 on Rocky Linux appeared first on Linux Today.

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Python Replace String in File

To replace a string in a file, open the file with open(), read the data with read(), replace the data with replace() and store it back in the file with write().

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Python Read File Into String

To read a file into a string in Python, use the read() method, the readlines() method with string concatenation and the read_text() method from Path package.

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Python UnboundLocalError

UnboundLocalError is caused when a local variable is accessed before the assignment of value. Or due to the confusion between local and global scope.

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Python Generate a Random Boolean Value

To generate random boolean values in Python, first generate random numeric values and then use the bool() method to convert them into a boolean.

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Python String to a Dict

To convert a Python String into a Dictionary, use the json.loads() method, the ast.literal_eval() method, or generator expressions.

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Python String Escape Quotes

To use quotes within a string in Python, use a different set of quotes to declare the string and in between a string or use backslash “\” before quotes.

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