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How to Install Laravel on Debian 12

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to install Laravel on Debian 12 with Apache 2 web server, MariaDB, and PHP 8.2.
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ClusterFuzzLite: Google Introduces Fuzzing Testing System

Google presented the ClusterFuzzLite project, which allows users to organize fuzzing testing of code for early detection of potential vulnerabilities. Currently, ClusterFuzzLite can be used to automate fuzzing testing of pull requests in GitHub Actions, Google Cloud Build, and Prow, but support for other CI systems is expected in the future. The project is based […]

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How to Install Prometheus on Ubuntu 20.04

Prometheus is an open-source service monitoring and alerting tool, used for recording real-time services and collecting metrics in a time-series database. It’s written in Go and licensed under the Apache 2 license originally developed by SoundCloud. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Prometheus on an Ubuntu 20.04 server, which can be […]

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Amazon Opens the Code for Babelfish, New Extensions Available to Users

Amazon has opened the original code of the draft “Babelfish for PostgreSQL,” proposing an extension to the PostgreSQL database with the implementation of specific capabilities in the database Microsoft SQL Server. The key goal of the project is to provide the ability to run applications written for SQL Server on servers running PostgreSQL. The project […]

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Kerla Project Develops Linux-Compatible Kernel in Rust Language

The Kerla project is developing an operating system kernel written in the Rust language, making it compatible with Linux. The new kernel is initially focused on ensuring compatibility with the Linux kernel at the ABI level, which will allow unmodified binaries built for Linux to run in a Kerla-based environment. The code is distributed under […]

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Crystal 1.2 Programming Language Released

Programming language Crystal 1.2 has been released. The developers of Crystal are trying to combine the convenience of development in the Ruby language with the high application performance inherent in the C language. Crystal syntax is close to Ruby, but not fully compatible with it, despite the fact that some Ruby programs are executed without […]

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