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What is the Use of the Window localStorage Property in JavaScript

The window interface comes with the “localStorage” property that retrieves the local storage object containing the “key/value” pairs. The local storage corresponds to the web browser that remains persistent with no expiration date until the user does not remove it. The “localStorage” property provides an easy and convenient way to save and retrieve local storage. It plays a significant role to store a large amount of vital data as well as accessing it whenever required.

This article explains the use of the window “localStorage” property in JavaScript.

What is the Use of the Window “localStorage” Property in JavaScript?

The window “localStorage” is a read-only property that refers to the local storage object to store and access the data from its origin. It is used to access any specified storage object values with the help of its name. 

Syntax (Save Data to Local Storage)

localStorage.setItem(key, value);

According to the above syntax, the “localStorage” property uses the “setItem()” method to set a storage object item with two parameters:

  • key: It represents the key of the item.
  • value: It specifies the value of the specified item.

Syntax (Retrieve Data From Local Storage)


The above syntax uses the “getItem()” method to retrieve the specified storage object item using its name i.e., “key”.

Example: Applying the Window “localStorage” Property to Set and Return the Specific Storage Item

This example applies the practical implementation of the window “localStorage” property to set and retrieve the specific storage item.


First, go through the given HTML code:

<h2>Window localStorage Property in JavaScript</h2>
<button onclick="myFunc()"> Read the stored value</button>
<p id="demo"></p>

In the above code snippet:

  • Specify a subheading using the “<h2>” tag.
  • Next, add a button with the help of the “<button>” tag comprising an “onclick” event to execute the function “myFunc()” on the button click.
  • Lastly, create an empty paragraph via the “<p>” tag that can easily be accessed through its assigned id “demo”.

JavaScript Code

Next, proceed with the below-stated code:

function myFunc() {
localStorage.setItem("Website", "Linuxhint");
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("Website");

In the above code block:

  • The function named “myFunc()” is defined.
  • In its definition, the “localStorage” property is associated with the “setItem()” method to set the specified storage item.
  • After that the “getElementById()” method is applied to access the empty paragraph using its id “demo” to append it with the local storage item “value” that is retrieved through the “getItem()” method via its corresponding “key”.


As seen, the output displays the local storage item value upon the button click. 


JavaScript window “localStorage” property saves and returns the “key/value” as a localStorage object in the browser with no expiry date. It remains saved in the browser until the user itself does not remove it. It is beneficial to store the data that will be used in the future. This article illustrated the working of the window “localStorage” property in JavaScript.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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