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What is Git and Git Flow?

In large development projects, users need collaboration and work with multiple people as a team. These teams contain thousands of developers that are working with each other on similar project. Keeping track of the added changes is a required element for smoother collaboration. Git is a version control distributed tool that is used to keep track of project assets and helps users to run it more efficiently.

This guide will provide detailed information about:

What is Git

Git is specifically designed for handling every type of project including small as well as large effectively. It is freely accessible and easy to learn for newbies. Through this VCS, developers can make new source code files, modify them after creation, delete or remove unnecessary files, save them in local machine repositories, and many more tasks.

What is Git Flow

Git flow is used when any application being developed has the concept of releases. It is much more difficult as compared to the other version control system flows. It is used to address the requirement for parallel development when multiple developers contribute to the same feature.

In the Git flow, a feature branch is generated from the master branch whenever any new feature is built in the project file. The feature branch code merges with the main code path after completing the work on this particular feature for release. Git flow is an alternative approach to the Git branching model that includes the usage of feature branches and several primary branches.

In Git flow, there are multiple types of branches are used, such as:

    • master” branch is used for storing the latest release version’s baseline.
    • main” branch is used to save the recently released code version.
    • feature” branch is used for generating features by the users.
    • develop” branch is utilized for collecting the developed features.
    • release” branch is generated for handling the version releases.
    • hotfix” branch is utilized for resolving issues on a priority.

Advantages of Git Flow

There are some Git flow pros which are listed below:

    • Git flow contains a detailed version control system.
    • To organize the flow, each branch has its separate responsibilities.
    • For redirecting from one branch to another, Git flow has a flexible branching strategy.
    • When multiple developers are working together, it helps them in large feature releases.
    • The master branch contains up to dated code.
    • The tested and verified code stores in the master branch.

Disadvantages Git Flow

Like advantages, Git flow also has some drawbacks, as follows:

    • The workload increases due to the released version maintenance.
    • Conflict occurs with the Agile methodology because of rigid workflow.
    • Becomes difficult to understand the Git flow due to multiple types of branches.

That’s all! We have described the Git and Git flow in detail.


Git is a version control distributed tool that is used to keep track of project assets and helps users to run it more efficiently. On the other hand, Git flow is an alternative approach to the Git branching model that includes the usage of feature branches and several primary branches. This blog has explained the Git and Git flow.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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