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IPTraf: Real Time Interactive IP LAN Monitoring

There are a number of monitoring tools available. Moreover, I came across a IPTraf monitoring tool that I find very useful. It’s a simple tool to monitor Inbound and Outbound network traffic passing through the interface.
The post IPTraf: Real Time Int…

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| by Arround The Web

How To Find Available Network Interfaces On Linux

This detailed tutorial addresses all the possible ways to find available network interfaces on Linux and Unix operating systems.
The post How To Find Available Network Interfaces On Linux appeared first on Linux Today.

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| by Arround The Web

Nethogs – Monitor Linux Network Traffic Usage Per Process

There are tons of open-source network monitoring tools available for the Linux operating systems on the web. For example, you can use the iftop command to monitor bandwidth usage, the netstat command, or ss command to see reports on interface statistic…

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| by Arround The Web

How to Handle Spikes in Website Traffic

It’s exciting to see an increase in visitors to your website. More traffic usually means more cash – or, at the very least, more readers. However, traffic growth isn’t necessarily the product of organic growth. What if you have to deal with a sudden su…

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