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Jargon Buster: What is an Immutable Distro?

Immutable Linux distributions. While these existed for a while, it is getting popular now. Here’s what you need to know about them.

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Explained: What is a Tiling Window Manager in Linux?

Learn what a tiling window manager is, and the benefits that come along with it.

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What is Super Key in Linux?

Get familiar with the super (or is it meta) key in Linux in this chapter of the Jargon Buster series.

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What is a Virtual Machine?

All you need to know about a virtual machine as an end user, how it works and why you need it.

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What is Compiz in Linux?

You’ll hear the term Compiz in Linux discussions. Get familiar with Compiz in this brief overview.

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What are Exit Codes in Linux?

Unraveling the mystery of exit codes in Linux. Learn what are the exit codes and why and how they are used.

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Linux Jargon Buster: What is LUKS Encryption?

LUKS is a popular mechanism for disk encryption among Linux users. Learn more about LUKS in this jargon buster article.

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What is a Loop device in Linux?

Seeing too many loop devices in Ubuntu? Learn what are these loop devices and why is it used on your Linux system.

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Understanding the Fork Bomb :(){ :|:& };: in Linux

The :(){ :|:& };: is a popular fork bomb for Linux systems. Learn how it works and what you can do to prevent such a malicious command.

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