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Swift String – dropFirst()

dropFirst() in Swift is used to remove the first character from the string. By default, it returns the string by removing the first character. If you want a particular number of characters from the first, you need to specify an integer value as a parameter that represents the total number of characters to be deleted from the first in the swift string.




It takes only one optional parameter.

value – specifies the integer value to delete characters in the swift string from the first.

To understand this method much better, we have to see the examples in detail.

Example 1:

Let’s create a string and delete the first character from it without specifying any parameter using dropFirst().

//consider the swift string.

var swift_string:String = "Potassium,Carbon"

print("Original string - ",swift_string)

//remove only the first character.

print("swift_string after deleting first character - ",swift_string.dropFirst())



Line 2:

We created a string named swift_string that holds – “Potassium,Carbon”.

Line 7:

Now, we are displaying the swift_string by deleting the first character.

The output is “otassium,Carbon”.

Example 2:

Let’s create a string and delete the first 5 characters from it by specifying the value as 5.

//consider the swift string.

var swift_string:String = "Potassium,Carbon"

print("Original string - ",swift_string)

//remove first 5 characters

print("swift_string after deleting first 5 characters - ",swift_string.dropFirst(5))



Line 2:

We created a string named swift_string that holds – “Potassium,Carbon”.

Line 7:

Now, we are displaying the swift_string by deleting the first 5 characters.

The output is “sium,Carbon”. The characters that are removed are – “P,o,t,a,s”.

Suppose the string length is 4. If you specify value as 5, then the dropFirst() method won’t return any error. It will delete the first 4 characters.

Example 3:

Let’s create a string and delete the first 10 characters from it by specifying the value as 10.

//consider the swift string.

var swift_string:String = "Nitrogen"

print("Original string - ",swift_string)

//remove first 10 characters

print("swift_string after deleting first 10 characters - ",swift_string.dropFirst(10))



Line 2:

We created a string named swift_string that holds – “Nitrogen”.

Line 7:

Now, we are displaying the swift_string by deleting the first 10 characters.

The output is empty. All the characters are removed.

Example 4:

Let’s create a string and delete the first 4 characters from it by specifying the value as 4. Now, compare it with the actual string inside the if statement.

//consider the swift string.
var swift_string:String = "Nitrogen"

print("Original string - ",swift_string)

//check if both strings are equal or not.
    print("Both the strings are same")
     print("Both the strings are not same")

//remove first 4 characters and
//check if both strings are equal or not.
    print("Both the strings are same")
     print("Both the strings are not same")



Line 2:

We created a string named swift_string that holds – “Nitrogen”.

Line 7-12:

First we are checking the same strings are same or not

From the output, they are the same.

Line 15-21:

Now, delete the first 4 characters from swift_string and compare them with the string: they are not the same.


In this swift tutorial, we saw how to delete the first characters from a swift string using the dropFirst() method. If you want a particular number of characters from the first, you need to specify an integer value as a parameter that represents the total number of characters to be deleted from the first in the swift string. We also discussed this method with if-else statements to understand this concept much better.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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