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Shifting To Cloud Computing? 3 Ways To Enhance Your Customer Experience

Remote operation and working from home have become some of the main business themes over the past two years due to the pandemic. Even as things gradually get back to normal, many companies have stuck with this style of operation because of the convenience it offers.

One of the main factors that have made it easier for businesses to make this shift is the emergence of cloud computing. This innovation has been around for many years but has played a crucial role in the digitization of modern companies. Apart from improving employee productivity, it can also enhance the experience of your customers. (1)

But how does it do that? This article discusses the benefits of cloud computing in relation to customer experience:

1. Improves customer engagement

Engaging your customers throughout their purchase journey is very crucial because it doesn’t only help in closing deals but also increases the chances of having return buyers. Cloud computing helps increase customer experience by ensuring that your company’s agents are available 24/7.

Many businesses are shifting from traditional contact centers to contact center as a service (CCaaS). This cloud-based solution allows you to utilize tools that enable you to provide superior communication to your customers without necessarily investing in the hardware. All you need to do is find a reputable service provider, like Odigo, and only pay for what your company needs. (2)

The fact that your customer service agents can work from anywhere means your customers can get the help they need at any time. Also, since the agents can choose their preferred work environment, they’ll be able to operate at their optimum level. However, for all these to be a reality, it’s important to consider the service provider’s uptime percentage. An ideal CCaaS server will provide uptime of about 99.99%.

2. Offers high reliability and data security

Any company looking to offer unmatched customer experience must have data security and reliability as part of its attributes. If you’re struggling to score in this area, then cloud computing could be the missing piece of the puzzle.

For one, cloud computing ensures that all critical services are online 24/7 throughout the year. The main feature that makes this reliability possible is the fact that the server isn’t tied to any particular physical machine at your offices. Therefore, when hardware fails, the virtual server is easily moved to another computer. If the current location is no longer reliable, the data center can also be moved to another geographic location without too much hassle, minimizing the amount of time spent offline.

When it comes to the security of data, there’s a lot that you and your customers can enjoy from what’s offered in a cloud hosting package. In addition, the service provider also employs top-notch security expertise. This reduces the risk of cyberattacks and enhances your customer experience.

3. Allows proper data analytics

Data analytics is a crucial factor when it comes to improving your customer experience. It involves the analysis of raw data like downtime, the number of customers at any given time, and their respective browsing histories. As a business, you can use this information to reveal a trend(s) and find solutions that’ll improve the situation. (3)

So, how does data analytics enhance customer experience, and where does cloud computing come into play? Once you’ve set up your online marketplace, especially if you’re running an eCommerce business, you can now track the behavior of your website visitors. For instance, you can record the customers’ browsing history and see which product is the most searched.

Wish lists and social media interactions are other important factors to consider. While at it, be sure to match this data with the personal information provided by each customer. Doing so will give you all the resources you need to personalize the experiences of your consumers, which is a huge factor in the customer experience enhancement process.

Cloud computing comes in handy here because it offers enough storage space for the collected data. Of course, storing in a physical hard disk isn’t impossible, but you’ll need a huge space for that to happen. With the cloud, however, all you have to do is subscribe to a package that matches your needs, and you’re good to go. In addition, you can access your data from anywhere across the globe.


With the right remote operation software programs, your business and its employees can leverage the power of cloud computing to improve customer experience. This modern technology improves customer engagement, supports proper data analytics, and offers high data security. It’s also highly reliable, which is one of the main things that customers look for in any online business.


  1. “Why Migrate To The Cloud: The Basics, Benefits And Real-Life Examples”, Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/03/12/why-migrate-to-the-cloud-the-basics-benefits-and-real-life-examples/?sh=64f905e75e27
  2. “How CCaaS Platforms Can Benefit Your Business and Improve Customer Satisfaction”, Source: https://blog.hubspot.com/service/ccaas-platforms-customer-satisfaction
  3. “Data Analytics”, Source: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/data-analytics.asp
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Source: NoobsLab | Eye on Digital World

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