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Python StringIO

One of the essential features of Python is its ability to handle “I/O” operations efficiently. “StringIO” is a module in Python’s standard library that allows you to manipulate strings as if they were files. It provides a file-like interface that allows you to read and write strings in memory. This means that you can use all the methods and functions that you can use on a file object, such as “read()”, “write()”, and “seek()”.

In this Python blog, we’ll provide an in-depth guide on the Python “StringIO” module using numerous examples.

Note: In the Python latest version, the “StringIO” module does not exist, so in order to use it, it must be “imported” from the “io” module as “io.StringIO”.

How to Import the Python “StringIO” Module?

StringIO” objects are created using the “StringIO” class, which can be imported using the following code:

from io import StringIO


“StringIO” Methods

The “StringIO” module provides several methods to perform certain tasks. Here are some methods with examples.

“write()” Method

The “write()” method is utilized to write a string to the “StringIO” object. It accepts a string as an argument/parameter and writes it to the end of the buffer.


Here is an example code:

from io import StringIO
myfile = StringIO()
myfile.write(" ")

In the above code:

    • The “StringIO” class is imported via the “io” module.
    • The instance of “StringIO” is created and allocated to the variable “myfile”.
    • Then, the “write()” method is utilized to write the specified strings to the “StringIO” object.
    • Lastly, the “getvalue()” method is used to return a string representation of the file-like object.


The above outcome shows that the string values have been written to a “StringIO” object appropriately.

“read()” Method

The “read()” method is utilized to read a certain number of characters from the “StringIO” object. The entire string is read if no argument/parameter is provided.


Let’s overview the following example code demonstrating its usage:

from io import StringIO
value = StringIO("Python Guide")

In the above code snippet:

    • StringIO()” is used to create a “StringIO” object with the string “Python Guide” as its initial content.
    • Now, apply the “read()” method to return the entire content of the object as a string.


In the above output, the “read()” function successfully reads the content from the “StringIO” object.

“readline()” Method

This method is utilized to read a single/particular line from the “StringIO” object. If no parameter is delivered, it reads the next line.


Consider the following example code:

from io import StringIO
input = StringIO("Python Guide\nLinux Guide")

According to the above code:

    • The “StringIO” object is created with a multiple-line string value of “Python Guide\nLinux Guide”. The particular “\n” character illustrates a new line, so the string has two lines of text.
    • An object containing a file-like structure is read and returned using the “readline()” method.


The above outcome implies that the “readline()” function successfully reads the first line from the “StringIO” object.

“getvalue()” Method

The “getvalue()” method returns the entire contents of the “StringIO” object as a string.


Here is an example code to get you started:

from io import StringIO
myfile = StringIO()
myfile.write("Python Guide")

In the above code block:

    • The “write()” method is utilized to write the stated string to the “StringIO” object.
    • The “getvalue()” method is used to get all the “StringIO” contents and returns it as a string.


The above outcome verifies that the entire string content has been returned from the StringIO object.

“truncate()” Method

The “truncate()” method of the “StringIO” module is used to resize the size of the file stream. After the provided index, the file is dropped and saved.


Go through the below-stated lines of code:

from io import StringIO
file = StringIO()
file.write('Python Guide')

In the above code snippet:

    • Likewise, the “StringIO()” creates an instance of the StringIO class and assigns it to the variable named “file”.
    • The “file.write()” method writes the string to the file StringIO object.
    • The “getvalue()” function returns the contents of the file object as a string.
    • The “file.seek()” function takes the number “6” as an argument and moves the file pointer to the corresponding position in the file object.
    • The “file.truncate()” deletes everything after the current file pointer position i.e., “6” in the file object.
    • The “getvalue()” function is used again to return the updated contents of the file object.


In the above outcome, the contents of the “StringIO” object have been truncated from the specific position.

“StringIO” and “csv” Methods

The “StringIO” is useful for creating “csv” files in memory without writing them to disk. This can be useful in cases where you need to process data before writing it to a file or when you don’t want to create a physical file.


Following is an example of how “StringIO” can be used to create a “csv” file:

import csv
from io import StringIO
data = [["Name", "Age"], ["Joseph", 23], ["Lily", 12]]
output = StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(output)

In the above code:

    • Firstly, the “csv” module is imported and the “StringIO” object is created.
    • The “list of lists” contains some samples that are initialized in the program.
    • The “csv.writer()” is used to write CSV data to a file or a file-like object.
    • The “writer.writerows()” method is used to write the data list to the output object, which stores the CSV data as a string in memory.
    • Finally, the “getvalue()” method is applied to return the CSV data as a string.


The CSV files in the above output have been created in memory without being written to disk.

Differences Between StringIO and Other String Types

“StringIO” is similar to other string types in Python, such as “str” and “bytes”, but with some key differences. The following are some of the differences between the StringIO module and other string types:

    • “StringIO” is a mutable object, whereas regular strings are immutable.
    • “StringIO” can be used as a file-like object. This means that you can use “StringIO” to read and write strings to memory in the same way that you would with a file object.

Advantages and Disadvantages of StringIO

The followings are the advantages and disadvantages of the StringIO module:

    • The main advantage of “StringIO” is that it allows you to manipulate strings as if they were files, which can be useful for certain use cases such as in-memory CSV files or storing logs.
    • The main disadvantage of “StringIO” is that it is slower than other file I/O methods and can use up a lot of memory.


In Python, the “StringIO” module is used to manipulate strings as if they were files. It can be used for in-memory CSV files, storing logs, or processing text data in memory. Python’s “StringIO” module provides various methods such as “read()”, “write()”, and “truncate()”, etc. to perform certain operations in Python. However, these methods are slower than other file I/O methods, and they can use up a lot of memory if not used properly. This blog offered an in-depth guide on the “StringIO” module through a number of examples.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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