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Python Reverse String

Being a Python programmer, there can be situations where there is a need to reverse a string. There are a number of ways to reverse a Python string, and in this Python blog, we will explore some of the most common and efficient methods.

Method 1: Reverse String Using “String Slicing” in Python

The “String Slicing” approach is the most straightforward method to reverse a particular Python string.



In the above syntax, “start” and “stop” represent the starting and ending indices of the string, and “step” represents the increment or decrement value.


The below code is used to reverse a string:

string = "Python Guide"
reversed_string = string[::-1]

In this code, set the “step” to “-1” to reverse a string utilizing “slicing”. Using this approach, we start from the last character of the particular string and move backward.


Based on the above snippet, the given string has been reversed using the string-slicing method.

Method 2: Reverse a String in Python by utilizing the “reversed()” Function

The “reversed()” function can be utilized to reverse a specified Python string. This function retrieves a reverse iterator, which we can convert to a string using the “join()” method.



Here, “sequence” is any iterable object such as a tuple, string, list, or range.


The below code is used to reverse a string:

string = "Python Guide"
reversed_string = "".join(reversed(string))

In the above code block, the “reversed()” function reversed the string and the “join()” method added the reversed string iterator value to an empty string.


Here is a snippet that confirms the input string is reversed.

Method 3: Reverse String in Python Utilizing a “for” Loop

A “for” loop can also be utilized to reverse a Python string. In this approach, we create a new string by appending each character from the original string in reverse order as we iterate over it.


Let’s overview the following code:

str_1 = "Welcome to Python Guide"
reversed_str_1 = ""
for character in str_1:
    reversed_str_1 = character + reversed_str_1

In the above code snippet, the “for” loop is applied to iterate over the string and add it to the new empty string in reversed order.


Based on the above output, the given “string” has been reversed appropriately.

Method 4: Reverse String in Python Using the “join()” Method and “List Comprehension”

This method uses “List Comprehension” to reverse a string and then uses the “join()” method to unite the characters.

Syntax of the “join()” Method


In the above syntax, “string” corresponds to the separator that joins the elements of the “iterable”, which can be a list, tuple, string, etc.

Syntax of “List Comprehension”

[expression for item in iterable if condition]


Here is an example code:

str_1 = "Welcome to Python Guide"
reversed_string = "".join([str_1[i] for i in range(len(str_1)-1, -1, -1)])

In the above code block, the “List Comprehension” approach is used with the combination of the “join()” method to reverse the string and add it to the new empty string.


Method 5: Reverse String in Python Using the “Recursion” Function

Recursion” is another method that can be employed to reverse a particular string. In this method, the reversed string is returned by a defined function that accepts a unique string as an argument/parameter.


Here is a code block that is utilized to reverse a Python string:

def rev_string(str_1):
    if len(str_1) == 0:
        return str_1
        return rev_string(str_1[1:]) + str_1[0]
str_1 = "Python Guide"

Here, the user-defined recursive function named “rev_string()” is applied to the given string to reverse it in the backward direction by passing the initialized string as its argument.


The above snippet verified that the given string has been reversed.

Method 6: Reverse String in Python Using the “functools.reduce()” Function

In the “functools” module, the function “reduce()” can also be utilized to reverse a Python string. This method defines a “lambda” function that reverses the order of two arguments. A lambda function is then applied to the string using the “reduce()” function.


functools.reduce(function, iterable[, initializer])

This function takes an iterable and a function that operates on two arguments. It executes the function to the first two items/element of the iterable, then to the output and the next element, and so on, until there is only one value left. The optional argument “initializer” provides the initial value for the accumulation. If it is not given, then the first item/element of the iterable is utilized as the initial value.


Overview of the below Python code block:

from functools import reduce
str_1 = "Python Guide"
reversed_str_1 = reduce(lambda x, y: y + x, str_1)

In the above code, the “reduce()” function takes the lambda function and given string as its arguments, respectively, and retrieves the reversed string.


This result implies that the given string has been reversed accordingly.


The “String Slicing”, “reversed()” function, “for” Loop, “join()” method, “List Comprehension”, or the “functools.reduce()” function can be used to reverse the string in Python. However, the “String Slicing” approach is recommended as it is one of the simplest ways to apply the desired functionality. This guide presented different ways to reverse a Python string.

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