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‘Please’ is a Motivational ‘Start Page’ for Your Terminal

Get a shot of motivation every time you open a new terminal window on Linux by installing Please, which is kind of like a “new tab page” for the command line.

Once configured, Please delivers a colorful, personalised greeting each time you open a new terminal tab or window. It also prints the current date and time, displays an inspirational quote (different each time you open), and gives you an overview of your current task/to-do list.

animated gif of Please, a CLI new tab page for Linux terminals
Please in action in BlackBox

Yes: Please‘s main utility centres around its configureable task list. You can quickly add and manage items in the task thanks to a simple, straightforward set of commands, as well as list as well as edit, move, delete, or and undo completion:

Add a new task please add "task in quotes"
Mark task as done please do {num}
Delete a task please delete {num}
Rename a task please edit {num} "new task name"
Move task please move {num} {new num}
Clean done tasks please clean

Additionally, you can hide the greeting, separator line, and/or quotes by editing ~/.config/please/config.json (once the tool has been setup), nixing the relevant parts by changing from true to false.

For a full list of all the commands available just run please --help (with the app installed).

Install Please

You can install Please on Linux using pip (or pip3) with the package name please-cli. Do keep in mind that pip installs things to ~/.local/bin so you need to specify this location if you add Please to your .bashrc file so that you see it each time you stat a new session.

You don’t have to make Please appear in every new terminal session but it’s arguably most useful if you do. After all, a task list is out of sight is a task list out of mind!

In summary, Please is an engaging and motivational start page for the terminal users. I can’t promise that it will make you more productive but it’s an expressive nudge in the right direction, and the simple syntax makes it easy to use. Try it out!

Thanks Dennis (via GNULinux.ch)

The post ‘Please’ is a Motivational ‘Start Page’ for Your Terminal is from OMG! Linux and reproduction without permission is, like, a nope.

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Source: OMG! Linux

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