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Linux Mastodon App Tokodon Gets UI Refresh & New Features

A new version of Tokodon, a Qt-based Mastodon app for KDE Plasma, features in the latest KDE Gear release.

And what an update it is!

Tokodon 23.08.0 comes with a bright new look that, to my eyes at least, is a big improvement over what was. The sidebar is lighter, makes better use of space, and shifts the account switcher (something I use a lot) to the top of the panel.

Timeline appearance is improved (as is the look of individual posts and ‘threads’) thanks to (finally unbroken) link previews, increased margins around post actions, and labels for post actions other than boosts/reblogs/whatever they’re called this week.

Tokodon 23.08.0 boasts an improved look

Profile pages benefit from a bevy of “visual & functional improvements”. Account stats now sit in chips; there are tabs to filter a profile’s Posts, Replies, and Media; and a toggle to “hide boosts” should you wish to cut through and see only what a person posted themselves.

Tokodon 23.08 includes changes to profile pages

Settings-wise, this update intros controls to set your media uploads to sensitive by default; pick a default post language; and set default post visibility, e.g., public, unlisted, etc. All of these are common to users of web-based Mastodon services and mobile apps, so nice to have.

Tokodon 23.08.0 also adds an Explore section to the sidebar. Here you can see top/popular posts on your instance and view a list of trending tags (y’know, so you can see what people are talking about and click through to find out why they’re talking about it).

These and other changes in Tokodon 23.08.0:

  • Redesigned sidebar
  • Profile’s now show tabs
  • Character count in the post composor
  • In-client share menus
  • “Toot” action now called “Post”
  • Explore section with trending posts & hashtag
  • More post settings
  • Improved experience on touch screens
  • All account links open inside app

Naturally there are bug fixes, performance refinements, and stability adjustments to ensure the app works as best it can (and should you find something doesn’t work, do report a bug so it can get fixed).

Tokodon is free, open-source software available from a variety of sources and distro repos. I prefer get it from Flathub, which is where the latest update will land shortly, allowing you to try out all of the changes mentioned above, first hand!

The post Linux Mastodon App Tokodon Gets UI Refresh & New Features is from OMG! Linux and reproduction without permission is, like, a nope.

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Source: OMG! Linux

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