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Introducing PowerShell Unzip and Zip Commands on Archives

Normally, zipping or unzipping files operation can be performed using the GUI interface. However, it can also be made possible using specific cmdlets in PowerShell. Compressing files reduces the size of the file on disk. Also, it caters to all the files in one place. Moreover, it prevents the files from vulnerable attacks also.

This blog will cover methods to zip or unzip files.

How to Zip or UnZip Files in PowerShell?

These are the methods given that will be elaborated:

Method 1: Compress or Zip Files in PowerShell Using the “Compress-Archive” Cmdlet

Files in PowerShell can be zipped or compressed using the “Compress-Archive” cmdlet. It can compress single or multiple files at once.

Example 1: Use the “Compress-Archive” Command to Zip a Single File

The following example will zip a single file by utilizing the “Compress-Archive” cmdlet:

Compress-Archive -Path C:\Doc\File.txt -DestinationPath C:\Doc\File.zip

According to the above code:

  • First, add the “Compress-Archive” cmdlet, specify the “-Path” parameter, and assign the file path to be zipped.
  • After that, define the “-DestinationPath” parameter and assign the target path with the file and “.zip” extension:

Let’s check whether the file was zipped or not by executing the below code:

Get-ChildItem C:\Doc\

In the above-stated code, first add the “Get-ChildItem” cmdlet and then assign the directory address:

Example 2: Use the “Compress-Archive” Command to Zip Multiple Files at Once

This following example will zip multiple files with PowerShell “Compress-Archive” cmdlet. To do so, simply assign the multiple file addresses to the “-Path” parameter, separated by a comma:

Compress-Archive -Path C:\Doc\File.txt, C:\Doc\New.txt -DestinationPath C:\Doc\File.zip

Example 3: Use the “Compress-Archive” Command to Zip All Files in the Folder

Now, archive or zip all the files in the folder using the wildcard “*” operator. For that reason, add the “*” operator at the end of the directory address, as demonstrated below:

Compress-Archive -Path 'C:\Doc\*' -DestinationPath C:\Doc\File.zip

Method 2: Uncompress or UnZip Files in PowerShell Using the “Expand-Archive” Cmdlet

Files that are zipped or compressed can be unzipped or uncompressed with the aid of the “Expand-Archive” cmdlet.

Example: Use the “Expand-Archive” Command to Unzip a File

In this example, the zipped file will be unzipped using the “Expand-Archive” cmdlet:

Expand-Archive -Path C:\Doc\File.zip -DestinationPath C:\Doc\File

According to the above code:

  • First, add the “Expand-Archive” cmdlet, specify the “-Path” parameter and assign it the file address along with the name of the file:

Let’s check whether the files were extracted or not by using the “Get-ChildItem” cmdlet along with the directory address:

Get-ChildItem C:\Doc\File

That was all about the procedure of zipping and unzipping files using PowerShell.


To zip or compress the file in PowerShell, the “Compress-Archive” cmdlet is used. While to unzip or uncompress a file, the “Expand-Archive” cmdlet can be utilized. Moreover, multiple files can also be zipped or unzipped at once. This write-up has observed the stated query and resolved the stated query.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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