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How to Use Add-Member (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility) Cmdlet in PowerShell?

In PowerShell, the “Add-Member” cmdlet is used to add custom methods and properties to an instance of an object. It is very useful when adding data in a particular manner that is not supported. For instance, if a user wants to add a custom field of data that was missed at the initial stage. Then, the specified cmdlet can be used.

In this post, the “Add-Member” cmdlet in PowerShell will be illustrated.

How to Use/Utilize the PowerShell’s Add-Member (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility) Cmdlet?

To add the member to an instance of the object, pipe it to the “Add-Member” cmdlet. Moreover, the properties can be used to add properties to an object. Let’s have a look at the provided examples to understand more about the stated cmdlet.

Example 1: Use the “Add-Member” Cmdlet to Add a Note to the Property

Execute the below-given cmdlet to add a note to the property in PowerShell:

$person = [PSCustomObject] @{
    Name = "John Patrick"
    Age = 30
$person | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Profession" -NotePropertyValue "Doctor" -PassThru

According to the above-given code:

    • Create a variable and assign it to the hash table having the stated values.
    • Next, place the hash table assigned variable and pipe it to the cmdlet “Add-Member”.
    • Then, specify the “-NotePropertyName” and “-NotePropertyValue” having the stated values assigned to them.
    • Lastly, mention the “-PassThru” parameter:


Example 2: Use the “Add-Member” Cmdlet to Add a String Note Property to a String

Run this command to add a note property to a string:

$str = "Its a string."
$str = $str | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers @{String = "Display text"} -PassThru

In the above-stated code:

    • First, initialize a variable and provide it a string value.
    • Then, pipe the string and assign a variable to the “Add-Member” cmdlet.
    • Next, specify the “-NotePropertyMembers” parameter and assign it the hash table value alongside the “-PassThru” parameter.
    • Lastly, concatenate the string-assigned variable with the hash table value:


Example 3: Use the “Add-Member” Cmdlet to Add an Alias Property to a PSObject

To add a property to a PSObject, execute the following command in PowerShell:

$str1 = Get-ChildItem C:\Docs\New_File.txt
$str1 | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name Size -Value Length


That’s all! You have successfully learned about the “Add-Member” cmdlet in PowerShell.


PowerShell’s cmdlet “Add-Member” is used to add a member to an object’s instance, such as methods and properties. For example, users can use the “-NoteProperty” parameter to add details about a specific cmdlet. This blog has provided details about the “Add-Member” cmdlet in PowerShell.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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