How To Show System Details on Kubuntu
This short tips and tricks tutorial will help you to show system information on Kubuntu. It is important because with this you can view full computer specifications including software information such as OS version as well as hardware information such as whether you CPU, GPU, Wifi, Ethernet, as well as Disk Drives etc. It will show whether your specifications are consisted of, for example Intel Core, NVIDIA Geforce, Qualcomm Atheros, Gigabit Ethernet, Hitachi 1TB HDD or else. We write this based on Kubuntu 24.04 and it is perfectly applicable to any other versions of Kubuntu and even other GNU/Linux distributions. Now let's learn by practice below!
1. About
Open up start menu -> type "about" -> click About this System -> information will show. See example below: the About will show Kubuntu 24.04 and more information about software and hardware. Your computer specifications will be viewed.
2. Info Center
Open up start menu -> type "info center" -> click Info Center -> even more detailed information will show including CPU, GPU, WIFI, PCI, Disks etc.
3. System Monitor
Open up start menu -> type "system monitor" -> click System Monitor -> overview information will show including processes and system load graphs. At a glance, it resembles dashboard in a modern car or a speedometer in a motorcycle.
4. KDE Partition Manager
Open up start menu -> type "disk" -> click KDE Partition Manager -> if you are asked for password, type your password -> full information of hard disk drives will show.
5. Energy
For laptop users: to show battery information and power management related, open up start menu -> type "energy" -> click Energy -> Energy information will show.
6. Konsole
Open up start menu -> type "konsole" -> click Konsole -> Konsole will show -> write one by one of command lines below each one followed by Enter:
$ uptime
$ lsb_release -a
$ lsblk
$ df -h /
$ lshw -short
$ upower
Click picture to enlarge it:
Where: |
(a) uname command will show what is your kernel, its version, and name of its complete operating system that is "GNU/Linux".
(b) lsb_release command will show what is your GNU/Linux distribution release version, codename, and where it is LTS or not.
(c) lsblk command will show full information of all hard disk drive(s) installed in your computer.
(d) df command will show disk capacity and usage in percent and megabytes.
(e) lshw command actually means "list hardware" that will show all installed hardware peripherals such as CPU, GPU, WIFI, etc. in table format.
(f) upower command will show detailed battery information including power capacity in watt hour (Wh), charging status and health in percent (%).
That's it for beginners. We hope with simple selection above, you can quickly identify your own system as well as further learn Kubuntu or correctly report any problem to the community because all of them are important. If you want to learn more, See Also section below will be interesting for you. We wish you to best computing with Kubuntu!
See Also
Jewel and Pearl, a Practical Tutorial to Learn Ubuntu Terminal
A Guide To Install Programs on Ubuntu and Kubuntu
A Guide to Install Programs using Snap Methods on Ubuntu and Kubuntu
A Review of Kubuntu a Modern Operating System that Keeps Computing Friendly
A Listing of Kubuntu Default Applications and Their Purposes
What To Do After Installing Kubuntu - Tips, Tricks and Recommendation
This article is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
Source: Ubuntu Buzz !