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How to Keep Roblox Account Safe

On Roblox, you must secure your account with a strong password as your account contains Robux, purchased items and other private details. For further safety, you must take some security measures i.e., adding a verified email and enabling 2 FA codes. Want to secure your Roblox account? This article will help you.

How to Keep a Roblox Account Safe?

You can improve the security of your Roblox account, follow these tips to keep your account safe:

  1. Add verified email address
  2. Enable 2-Factor Authentication
  3. Never share login information
  4. Never use someone else’s email
  5. Logout from other devices
  6. Make password unique
  7. Enable account PIN
  8. Don’t get tricked by third-party sites

1: Add Verified Email Address

While signing up on Roblox, you must enter the verified email address through which you can confirm your identity. Adding a verified email will secure your account, and you will be able to reset your password and enable the PIN and 2FA. If you want to contact the Roblox support team for any help, a verified email address is mandatory, as Roblox is going to contact you there.

2: Enable 2 Factor Authentication

The 2-step verification provides extra security to your Roblox account. If you have enabled 2FA, then you have to enter a 6-digit code along with your login details to access your account. Adding a 2FA will prevent unauthorized access to your account and make your account safe.

3: Never Share Login Information

Never share your login information with anyone, especially your Roblox password, as anyone you know can log in to your Roblox account with your email and password. Other than that, never enter your Roblox login information on any site or social media that asks for it, as a member of the Roblox team will never ask for your password.

4: Never Use Someone Else’s Email

While signing up for a Roblox account, never add someone else’s email to your account. Every action in your Roblox account will be reported directly in your email. So, you must enter your own personal email id rather than someone else’s.

5: Logout from Other Devices

If you have signed in to your Roblox account on someone else’s device or a public PC, you must log out of your account after playing. If someone else opens Roblox and your account is already logged in, then your privacy can be disturbed. You can also use the Secure Sign-out feature to log out from the devices.

6: Create Unique Password for Roblox Account

A weak password is one of the easiest ways to lose the account. You must have an advanced password combining letters, numbers, and even. Don’t use common passwords, like 12345, or abcxyz. Use a password with a combination of special characters, capital letters, and numbers.

7: Enable Account PIN

To make your Roblox account safer, you must enable the account PIN so that you have to enter it while making changes to your account. Being a parent, you can enable the account PIN for your child’s account so that he cannot disturb the account settings.

8: Don’t Get Tricked by Third-Party Sites

Always login to the official website of Roblox, Websites asking you for your login in exchange for free Robux are fake. Be aware of those websites and links, as the official team never asks for your password in exchange for Robux or other items of Roblox.


Your Roblox account contains your personal information. You must secure it from everyone. There are some mandatory security measures that you must take while creating your Roblox account, i.e., signing up with a verified email address or creating a unique password. Roblox also offers the 2FA feature to get an extra layer of security to your account.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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