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How to install TeXstudio on Raspberry Pi

TeXstudio is an open-source text editor widely used for creating latex documents. Professionals adopt this tool worldwide for creating documents and writing well-organized research papers in a pdf or word format. With TeXstudio, you won’t require organizing your document like in Word because the application handles everything. You will only require a code to add several things such as title, sections, tables, graphs, etc.

This tutorial guides you on how you can install TeXstudio on Raspberry Pi and begin creating your favorite documents with ease.

How to install TeXstudio on Raspberry Pi

The TeXstudio installation on Raspberry Pi is a straightforward task and this happens because its repository is included into the official Raspberry Pi’s repository list.

To install TeXstudio on Raspberry Pi, you just need to follow the below-mentioned simple steps:

Step 1: Update Packages

The most important task to do before performing any installation is to check for Raspberry Pi packages update. You can do this process by executing the following command:

$ sudo apt update

Step 2: Upgrade Packages

You can perform this step i to upgrade the packages and for this purpose you have to use the following command:

$ sudo apt upgrade

Step 3: Install TeXstudio on Raspberry Pi

After successfully performing the packages update, you can then install the TeXstudio application on your Raspberry Pi desktop through the following command:

$ sudo apt install texstudio -y

The above command will install the TeXstudio on your Raspberry Pi device and after the installation, you can run the TeXstudio application from terminal through the following command:

$ texstudio

You can also run the TeXstudio from the desktop through the main menu option, where you will see the application in the “Office” section as shown below.

You can also check the TeXstudio version through the following command:

$ texstudio --version

Removing TeXstudio from Raspberry Pi

If you no longer require TeXstudio service on your Raspberry Pi, you can remove it completely from your device using the following command:

$ sudo apt remove texstudio -y


TeXstudio is a robust professional writing tool designed for creating latex documents and the scientific community widely uses it for writing research articles. Installing this application on your device is simple, which you can easily do from the above installation steps. After the installation, you can easily begin creating your professional document.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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