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How to Install iftop on Linux Mint 21

Most of the time you get into the problem of slow internet and want to know the reason behind it. In this scenario you can also check the bandwidth of your network because the low bandwidth can also be the reason for slow internet. While using Linux Mint you can check the bandwidth by using iftop utility. In this article you will know about the methods used to install and use iftop on Linux Mint 21.

How to Install iftop on Linux Mint 21

There are two ways to get this bandwidth monitoring tool on Linux Mint and those are:

Install iftop Through Apt

You can install iftop on your Linux system through apt package manager by using the command mentioned below:

$ sudo apt install iftop


Now the iftop is installed or not you can verify by version, execute the below mentioned command and you will get to know which version of iftop you have installed:

$ iftop --version


You can easily uninstall iftop from the system by running the apt command mentioned below:

$ sudo apt remove --autoremove iftop


Install iftop through Linux Mint Software Manager

To Install the Iftop using software manager, just open the software manager, search for the iftop and click on the Install button:

As iftop is used to check the bandwidth of the network you are using so when you execute the below mentioned command in the terminal it will give you the details of your network:

$ sudo iftop



The iftop is a command line tool which you can use to know the details of network connection. You can monitor the bandwidth of your network by using iftop. You can install iftop on your Linux Mint system through the software manager and apt package manager by following the guide mentioned above in the article.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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