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How to Create and Use Shutdown Shortcut on Windows 10

The shutdown shortcut on your Windows 10 desktop is a quick and convenient method to power off your computer without navigating through menus. In such scenarios, Microsoft Windows’ shortcut facility can be used to create links to computer programs. These shortcuts allow us to easily access programs from the start bar, folder, desktop, or any other location.

Through this guide, you will be able to create a shutdown Shortcut on Windows and use it.

How to Make and Use a Shutdown Shortcut on Windows 10?

Making and using a shutdown shortcut in Windows 10 is an easy procedure that can save you time and effort when you need to quickly shut down your computer. Creating a shortcut for the shutdown will ease the shutdown procedure. It can be quickly established on your desktop and used whenever needed. The entire process requires a few steps, as demonstrated below:

Step 1: Open the Context Menu

To begin, locate an empty place on your desktop and right-click it to pop up a context menu:

Step 2: Create a Shortcut

Bring the mouse pointer over the “New” option in the context menu, then click “Shortcut”.

Upon doing so, a “Create Shortcut” wizard will be launched as follows:

Step 3: Add the Path to the Shortcut

In the “Create Shortcut” window, enter the following path into the “Type the location of the item” field:

shutdown /s /t 0

The shutdown action is indicated by the “/s” argument, and the time delay before shutdown is set to zero seconds by specifying the “/t 0” parameter.

Step 4: Identify the Shortcut with a Suitable Name

Provide a suitable name of your preference for the shortcut. Use a descriptive name, such as “Shutdown” or “Turn off ” and click on the “Finish” button to create the shortcut:

How to Use the Shutdown Shortcut?

Now it is time to use the shutdown shortcut that you’ve successfully generated. You can use it by double-clicking on the shortcut icon:

Note: Your computer will immediately begin shutting down. All open applications will be closed, and your computer will shut down in a matter of seconds. To prevent data loss or unsaved changes, always save your work and dismiss any vital applications before using the shutdown shortcut.

How to Change the Shortcut Icon?

You have created a shortcut with a generic icon, but it can be customized according to its functionality. The below-provided steps will help you understand how to change the shortcut icon in Windows:

Step 1: Open the Context Menu

Right-click on your desktop screen, after that click to open the contextual menu, and select the properties:

Step 2: Select the Change Icon Tab

After getting into the properties, select the Shortcut and click on the Change Icon tab:

Step 3: Select the Icon

Now choose the icon according to your icon function and click OK to confirm the changes:

Step 4: Apply the Changes

After setting up the suitable icon, click on the Apply button to apply all the changes:

This is how your shutdown shortcut will look:

That’s all about creating, using, and customizing a shutdown shortcut on Windows 10.


To create a shutdown shortcut on Windows 10, first, click on the desktop window to open a context menu, create a new shortcut, set the path, and finish it with a suitable title name. All you have to do is activate the shortcut and double-click it, this will turn your system off. This write-up has illustrated a step-by-step guide on how to create and use a shutdown shortcut on Windows.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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