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How to Create a Matrix in MATLAB?

The ability to create and manipulate matrices is a fundamental skill for anyone working with data and performing mathematical computations. MATLAB, an efficient programming language that’s popular in the sciences and engineering, offers robust capabilities for working with matrices.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a matrix step by step, whether you are a beginner or already have some experience with MATLAB. Creating a matrix allows you to organize and structure data conveniently and efficiently, enabling you to perform various operations and analyses on the data.

How to Create a Matrix in MATLAB?

MATLAB facilitates us with multiple methods to create a matrix, some of these methods are given below:

All these methods are MATLAB built-in functions used for creating a matrix. Now we will explore all these functions to create a matrix in MATLAB.

1: Using zeros() Function

The zeros() is a built-in MATLAB function used for creating a matrix of any size having all zero elements.

For example, the following example will create a matrix of size 2×3 consisting of zeros elements in MATLAB.

A = zeros(2,3)

2: Using ones() Function

The MATLAB users can also use the ones() function to create a matrix of any size having all 1’s elements. For example, the 5×3 matrix having all elements equal to the number 1 will be created using the code below.

A = ones(5,3)

3: Using magic() Function

The MATLAB built-in magic() function can also be used to create a square matrix of size n having all elements lying between 1 and n power 2. Where n should be greater or equal to 3.

For example, the following code will create a 3×3 square matrix in MATLAB.

A = magic(3)

4: Using eye() Function

The eye() is a built-in function in MATLAB that allows us to create a square identity matrix of size n having all diagonal elements 1’s and non-diagonal zeros. For example:

A = eye(3)

5: Using rand() Function

The rand() is a built-in function in MATLAB that allows us to create a matrix of any specified size having all random numbers lying between 0 and 1.

For example, using the below-given code, you will be able to create a matrix of 3×4 size consisting of random numbers.

A = rand(3,4)


Matrices are the building blocks of MATLAB and can be created using MATLAB built-in functions including zeros(), ones(), magic(), eye(), and rand(). All these functions are used for creating a matrix having different elements according to their functionalities. This tutorial discussed how to create a matrix in MATLAB using several examples.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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