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How to Craft Dirt Blocks in Minecraft

Dirt is one of the most easily available blocks in Minecraft. It is normally found in most of the biome in excessive amounts, under the grass or mycelium blocks. It is the most useful and underrated block in Minecraft. From farming to growing trees, this block is everywhere. The Dirt is found in different Minecraft structures and also in the underground caves quite easily.

In this article, we will glide through the details of crafting Dirt Blocks and their variants in Minecraft.

How to Craft Dirt Blocks in Minecraft

In Minecraft, there isn’t any recipe that can help us to craft a Dirt Block in Minecraft.

Rather, we can either mine it from the world around us or use a cheeky way to make a renewable source of dirt in Minecraft. The following methods will help you obtain dirt and get dirt blocks in Minecraft.

1: Conventional Method to Get Dirt Block in Minecraft

Conventional method is the widely accepted and useful method to get Dirt Blocks in Minecraft, and it can be done through the following steps:

Step 1: Find a place filled with Dirt or Dirt-related blocks such as grass or mycelium.

Step 2: Now select the area to dig Dirt.

Step 3: Then right-click to mine dDrt using your hand or any other tool, but a shovel is the fastest one to mine Dirt.

Step 4: Once mined, collect the Dirt Block.

2: Un-Conventional Method to Get Dirt Block in Minecraft

This method works as a renewable source of dirt, and can be used to obtain Dirt and collect Dirt Blocks in Minecraft. All this can be done through the following steps:

Step 1: Take two dirt and two Gravel blocks.

Step 2: Place them on a crafting table to make 4 Coarse Dirt.

Step 3: Place the Coarse Dirt on the ground, and use a shovel to turn it into a path block or hoe to make farmland.

Step 4: Simply mine them with your hands to get Dirt Blocks.

These two methods are the easiest way to get Dirt Blocks in Minecraft.

Types of Dirt Blocks in Minecraft

In Minecraft, there are a couple of blocks that are originally considered as variants of Dirt Blocks. These are:

    • Grass Block
    • Mycelium Block
    • Coarse Dirt
    • Podzol
    • Rooted Dirt
    • Farmland
    • Path Block


All of these blocks directly or indirectly originated from Dirt Blocks in Minecraft.

Uses of Dirt Block in Minecraft

The main use of Dirt Blocks in Minecraft is to serve as a base block for most of the other blocks. It is used to plant different crops on top of it. If placed near a water block, players can use it to grow sugarcane. It can also be turned into farmland blocks to use for growing food. Players can transform Dirt Blocks into path blocks to add a new layer of definitions to the terraforming of their builds.


Can I Craft Rooted Dirt?

Ans: No, it generates below when an azalea tree is grown on a block or naturally spawns.

Can I Turn Mycelium into Dirt?

Ans: Yes, just break it using any tool(without silk touch enchantment) or by using your hands to get dirt blocks.

Is Dirt Renewable in Minecraft?

Ans: Yes, it is currently a renewable block in Minecraft.


Dirt Blocks is the most underrated block in Minecraft, with several uses. It can be found almost everywhere in Minecraft, including terrain, structures and even inside caves. Players can obtain it simply by punching the block to mine it. Once obtained, it can be utilized to grow sugarcane, trees, transform pathways and many more. Overall, it is a simple, humble and useful block in Minecraft.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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