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How to Clean Your iPhone Speaker

Removing the dust from your iPhone speaker is important. Because over time, dust, dirt, and debris can be stored in the speaker grill, which can be harmful and affect the sound quality. It is necessary for keeping safe for optimal performance and for ensuring a well sound quality during calls or while listening to media.  Dust or dirt can accumulate in the speaker grill, affecting sound output.

This post will briefly explain the various instructions to clean the iPhone’s speaker.

How to Clean Your iPhone Speaker?

There are two speaker holes available on the iPhone, one is located at the top of the screen on the front side and the other one is on the bottom. The top speaker is utilized for both phone and stereo sound while the bottom speaker can only be used for stereo sound. Both speakers are managed by different switches and may be configured in the sound setting of the device. If you have some problem with the iPhone’s speaker and are not sure your iPhone speakers are working correctly, you should clean it.

There are multiple ways to clean the iPhone’s speaker, some of them are listed below:

For demonstrations, try out the steps stated below:

1. Use Soft Bristles

The easiest way to remove dirt and dust from the front speaker is to employ a soft and flexible bristled brush, such as a small paintbrush. You can cut the bristles down to a half-inch length for better control. Brush the speaker gently, moving up and down the length of the thin, long speaker several times. Avoid brushing towards the speaker. You can also insert the soft bristles into the phone’s speaker holes at the bottom.

2. Use an Air Blower

Compressed air blowers are safe to use on iPhones and do not offer as much pressure as other devices. After using a soft-bristled brush, consider using an air blower to remove any dirt that the brush may have missed. The Pixel RB-20 is created with a powerful rubber for a strong blast of air pressure and contains a comfortable, ergonomic grip.

3. Use a Toothpick

You may utilize the pointed edge of a wooden or plastic toothpick to remove dirt that has been stuck in the speaker holes at the bottom of the device. Apply a little pressure when inserting the toothpick’s tip, then twist it slowly until the tip pops out. You should apply all your effort upward and sideways, rather than use all your effort to push down on the phone.

4. Use Masking or Painter’s Tape

A good painter’s tape will not mark any type of dirt on your phone. To clean dirt off the phone’s front speaker, use small pieces of it with the side down. This is also named masking tape, which can be utilized for removing the dust and dirt from the holes of the speaker.

5. Use Cotton Swabs

One of the easiest methods to keep your iPhone clean is to brush off the dust, although this approach might not completely clean the speaker grilles. After all, using a toothbrush to carefully clean away lint or tenacious dirt from your iPhone’s speakers cannot work. To continue digging without having to worry about damaging your iPhone’s speakers, you need to use cotton swabs as a second step. You may remove the cover from your iPhone to make it easier to thoroughly clean the speaker grille for the best results.

Note: You are allowed to utilize any type of liquid while cleaning the iPhone’s components. As we all know that. It can easily destroy your device internally.


Cleaning the iPhone speaker is necessary to ensure clear sound quality while making calls or listening to media. Dust or dirt can accumulate in the speaker grill, affecting sound output. You can clean your iPhone with different instruments including soft bristles, toothpicks, air blowers, masking or painters’ tape, and cotton swabs. This guide has provided complete details of how to use these methods to clean iPhone speakers.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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