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How to Build Your First Minecraft House

In a new Minecraft world, the first day is always a unique and great experience. Making everything from scratch, from tools to food items, everything takes time and is comparatively harder to find than later on. The first night is a next-level nightmare, especially if you are surrounded by mobs in the wilderness of the wild. So, it is necessary to build yourself a Minecraft house to save yourself from all the troubles you have to face otherwise. Here is everything you must remember while building your first Minecraft house.

How to Build Your First Minecraft House

All of us do know that our first night of Minecraft mostly ends up in a randomly carved hole in any cliff or underground like this.

This can be classified as anything, other than a house though. So, I will be teaching you about making yourself the first Minecraft house in the game. So, let’s get into how you can build your first Minecraft house using the following steps:

Step 1: Enter in your Minecraft world.

Step 2: Find a Minecraft village by searching around. This is necessary as it will help you to get a bed without any extra effort to skip nighttime in Minecraft.

Step 3: Now find a nearby place where you want to set up and start gathering wood by punching nearby trees.

Step 4: Once you gather enough wood, craft a couple of planks.

Step 5: Then, craft a crafting table using your built-in crafting space of 4 blocks using 4 wooden planks.

Step 6: Now visit any home in the village to take a bed from there for your base.

Step 7: Now clear the land you choose for your base.

Step 8: Gather resources such as cobblestones by mining any nearby stones.

Step 9: Now set the layout of your Minecraft house using its pillars.

Step 10: Then build the walls of your Minecraft house using cobblestone blocks, make sure to leave spaces for windows and doors.

Step 11: Use fences as windows, which you can later replace with glass or glass pane items.

Step 12: Now construct the roof of the building, I am using oak slabs as they are easy to get.

Step 13: Then add the finishing touches to the home including doors, lighting and a couple of other things.

Step 14: Place your bed, chests, furnaces and crafting table inside the house.

Now players can easily use it as a decently secure base to have a safe area to rest in Minecraft. This is how players can build their first Minecraft house with a little bit of effort.


Can Players Make a Secret Base Entrance in Minecraft?

Yes, using Redstone circuits or paintings, players can easily make a secret base entrance.

Can We Make a Castle in Minecraft?

Yes, players can build a castle in Minecraft but it is a tedious and time-consuming project.

Can We Make a Treehouse in Minecraft?

Yes, it is possible to make a tree house in Minecraft.


Players can easily make themselves a small and useful Minecraft house with some simple steps mentioned in the above-given guidelines. Just select and clear a place for your base. Then gather items like logs, planks, and cobblestones for the build. Layout the basic structure and then build the whole house. Finish off with adding some finishing blocks to enhance its aesthetics. This is how to build your first house in Minecraft.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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