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How to Block Text Messages on iPhone

If someone is making you uncomfortable, it is necessary to take steps to protect yourself. Blocking them is a reasonable option to consider when dealing with unwanted communication. While blocking someone does not prevent them from sending you messages, you will not receive them. Blocking also helps to protect you from hackers. Once you block a user on your phone, you will not get any calls or messages from them. The blocked user can still send you voice messages, text messages, and calls, but you will not receive a notification. The blocked caller does not get any type of notification of their blocking.

In this guide, we will explain;

Why is it Necessary to Block Text Messages on iPhone?

If someone bothers you and disturbs you by sending unnecessary messages. It is important to block that user for the sake of peace of mind. Furthermore, it can prevent them from sending you unwanted messages and calls.

How to Block Text Messages on iPhone?

To block text messages on your iPhone, check out the given instructions one by one:

Step 1: Open Message App

Initially, tap on the “Message” app to launch it on your iPhone:

Step 2: Select a User

It can be noticed that all the chats have appeared on the screen inside the “Message” app. Choose a user to open his/her chat:

Step 3: Open the Information of User

Click on the user profile icon to launch the information about the selected user:

Step 4: Block User

Inside the selected user profile, you can see the option “Block this Caller”. Tap on this option to block the incoming text messages from this user:

Confirm the block user by hitting the “Block Contact”:

The below-stated image shows that the user has been blocked successfully. Now, you are not able to receive text messages from that user:

Note: You can unblock the user anytime by hitting on “Unblock this Caller” to send and receive text messages from them.

How to Filter the Unknown Sender on iPhone?

You can also make a list of unknown senders on your iPhone. You cannot receive messages from unknown senders. All the messages from them are stored on a separate list. For that purpose, you need to follow the steps stated below:

Step 1: Open Settings

Tap on the gear icon to launch the iPhone’s setting:

Step 2: Move Toward Messages

Next, navigate toward “Messages” for further processing:

Step 3: Turn on Setting of Message Filtering

Under “MESSAGE FILTERING” category, swipe right to turn on the settings against “Filter Unknown Senders”. Now, you cannot receive messages from unknown sender directly:

How to Report Spam Messages on the iPhone?

Apple has a most unique useful feature that permits you to report spam and junk text messages on iPhone. However, it will not work on simple text messages, you can only use this feature with Apple’s iMessage messages.


Blocking unknown text messages is a necessary step to take on a mobile phone to get rid of unwanted messages. For blocking text messages from a user on iPhone, open the Messages app and select the user you want to block. Tap on the user’s profile picture to open their contact information, then, tap on “Block this Caller”. This will block the user from your iPhone, and you will no longer receive messages from them until you unblock them.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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