How to Backup Configuration Files on Remote Linux System
It is a best practice to backup a configuration file before performing any activity on a Linux system, which helps you to compare the configuration files in case of any issue occur.
You can automate this bash script by creating a cronjob, which can be scheduled based on your needs. However, we recommending to enable a cronjob once in a week nor month.
This script is very important for an environment where server restarts are not done frequently.
Also, as everything is a file in Linux, so it recommends running this script before fixing any VA/CR’s.
What does this script?
This script backs up the output of multiple commands and configuration files into a single file, and finally moves it to another server (aka jump server nor central server).
System details are as follows:
- Server-A: Central Server / JUMP Server (
- Server-B: Remote System-1 (
- Server-C: Remote System-2 (
Bash Script to Backup Configuration files on Remote Linux Server
It consists of two scripts, one is the actual script and the other is a helper script, which helps execute the actual script from the JUMP/Central server, and it pulls the output file from the remote server once the script execution is complete.
Make a Note: Both scripts must be on the central server and you must have enabled passwordless authentication for client systems for seamless operation.
Actual Script:
# vi /home/daygeek/shell-script/ #!/bin/bash echo -e "Hold on...Server Configuration Check is running on..." echo "========================================================" touch /tmp/$(hostname)-configuration_output-$(date +%d%b%Y).txt OUTPUT_FILE=$(ls /tmp/$(hostname)-configuration_output-$(date +%d%b%Y).txt) if [ -f $OUTPUT_FILE ] then cat /dev/null > $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "==================================General Commands OutPut==================================" >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo "HOSTNAME-------: `hostname`" >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo "IP-------------: `hostname -i`" >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo "DATE-----------: `date`" >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo "KERNEL---------: `uname -r`" >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "----------------------------/etc/hosts File OutPut----------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE cat /etc/hosts >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n==================================Disk Commands/Config File OutPut==================================" >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------df -hT Command OutPut----------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE df -hT >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------blkid Command OutPut-----------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE blkid >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------lsblk Command OutPut-----------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE lsblk >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------PVS Command OutPut-------------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE pvs >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------VGS Command OutPut-------------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE vgs >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------LVS Command OutPut-------------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE lvs >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------PVdisplay Command OutPut-------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE pvdisplay >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------VGdisplay Command OutPut-------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE vgdisplay >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------LVdisplay Command OutPut-------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE lvdisplay >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------lsscsi Command OutPut----------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE lsscsi --scsi --size >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------mount Command OutPut-----------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE mount >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------/dev/mapper Devices OutPut-----------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE ls -ltr /dev/mapper >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------/proc/partitions OutPut--------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE cat /proc/partitions >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------/etc/fstab File OutPut---------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE cat /etc/fstab >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------/etc/sudoers File OutPut-------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE cat /etc/sudoers >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n==================================Network Commands/Config File OutPut==================================" >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------ip Command OutPut--------------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE ip a >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------ip Command Customized OutPut---------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE ip a | grep -i inet | grep -v inte6 >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------ip Command Customized OutPut-1-------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE ip -br a >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------ip route Command OutPut--------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE ip r >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------ifconfig Command OutPut--------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE ifconfig -a >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------netstat -ni Command OutPut-----------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE netstat -ni >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------netstat -nr Command OutPut-----------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE netstat -nr >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------netstat Command OutPut with Ports----------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE netstat -tplugn | grep -i LISTEN >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------List Network Script Files------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE ls -ltrh /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------Print each Network Script file OutPut------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE for inet_file in `ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*` do echo "----------$inet_file----------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE cat $inet_file >> $OUTPUT_FILE done echo -e "\n==================================Kernel Commands/Config File OutPut==================================" >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------sysctl Command OutPut----------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE sysctl -p >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------/etc/sysctl.conf File OutPut---------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE cat /etc/sysctl.conf >> $OUTPUT_FILE ps -ef | egrep 'pmon|LISTENER' | grep -v grep > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo -e "\n==================================Oracle DB Commands/Config File OutPut==================================" >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------Oracle Processes OutPut--------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE ps -ef | egrep 'pmon|LISTENER' | grep -v grep >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------oracleasm Command OutPut-------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE oracleasm listdisks >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------Oracle Device file OutPut------------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE ls -ltr /dev/oracleasm/disks >> $OUTPUT_FILE else echo -e "\nThis is not an Oracle DB server..." >> $OUTPUT_FILE fi systemctl status multipathd | grep -i running > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo -e "\n==================================Multipath Command OutPut==================================" >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo -e "\n----------------------------multipath -ll Command OutPut---------------------" >> $OUTPUT_FILE multipath -ll >> $OUTPUT_FILE else echo -e "\nThis is not a Physical server, so no multipath is configuared.." >> $OUTPUT_FILE fi echo -e "Configuration file backup has been completed and the OutPut file will be placed at '/home/daygeek/backup/' directory..." echo "============================================Configuration file backup Script Completed====================================" >> $OUTPUT_FILE else echo "OutPut file isn't found, So exit the script" >> $OUTPUT_FILE fi
Supporting nor helper script.
# vi #!/bin/bash echo -e '\n' echo "Please ENTER the list of HostName or IP to take a configuration file backup, and press 'ctrl+d' to execute the script." for server in `cat` do echo -e "\n$server\n=============>>" ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=5 -o "BatchMode yes" $server 'bash -s' < /home/daygeek/shell-script/ scp -pr "$server:/tmp/*-configuration_output-$(date +%d%b%Y).txt" "/home/daygeek/backup/" done
Finally run the supporting script that pushes the actual script to the given target servers.
# sh /home/daygeek/shell-script/
Final Thoughts
I hope this shell script very useful for backup your configuration files on remote Linux system.
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to comment below.
The post How to Backup Configuration Files on Remote Linux System first appeared on 2DayGeek.
Source: 2DayGeek