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How Does path.basename() Work in Node.js?

Node.js provides the simplest and easiest way to interact with the files/directories path using the built-in “path” module. Its main purpose is to handle and alter the specified paths according to the user’s requirements. Its common features are, finding directory/file names, normalizing, finding relative paths, extracting file names or extensions, and so on. All of the specified operations can be easily performed using its built-in methods and properties.

This guide will explain the “path.basename()” method in Node.js.

How Does path.basename() Work in Node.js?

The “basename()” is the built-in method of the “path” module that retrieves the file name part from the specified path. Its working relies on its basic syntax which is mentioned below:

path.basename(path, extension);

According to the above syntax, the “basename()” method works on the following parameters:

  • path: It denotes the file path.
  • extension: It is an optional parameter that would be removed while retrieving the file name portion from the path.

Now, use the above-defined method practically.

Example 1: Applying “path.basename()” Method For Windows Files

This example uses the “path.basename()” method for Windows Files:

const path = require('path');

var filename = path.basename('C:\\users\\Lenovo\\File\\Hello.html');


In the above code lines:

  • Firstly, the “require()” method includes the “path” module in the Node.js project.
  • Next, the “filename” variable applies the “basename()” method that passes the path of a file as its argument.
  • Lastly, the “console.log()” method displays the output of the “basename()” method stored in the “filename” variable on the console.


Execute the “.js” file with the help of given command:

node app.js

It can be observed that the output displays the file name along with its extension:

Example 2: Applying “path.basename()” Method For UNIX Files

This example applies the “path.basename()” method for the files of the UNIX operating system:

const path = require('path');

var filename = path.basename('/users/admin/file.js', ".js");


In the above code lines:

  • The “basename()” method takes the file path and retrieves the file name from it without its extension because of the specified extension parameter.
  • The “console.log()” method displays the output of the “basename()” method.


Initiate the “.js” file:

node app.js

It can be seen that the output shows the file name without its extension:

That’s all about the working of the “path.basename()” method in Node.js.


In Node.js, the “path.basename()” method retrieves the file name part from the specified path. This method performs this task by passing the particular file path as its mandatory parameter. It returns the file name along with its extension. If the user wants to remove the file extension then use the optional parameter “extension” that removes the file extension while retrieving it from the specified path. This guide has practically explained the “path.basename()” method in Node.js.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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