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GNU Guix: Adding a fully-bootstrapped Mono

We used to have a Mono package. It was introduced on August 8 2016 by commit
763b3d50b6249b43fceda51445bbeb1f5f5fd7d0, at Mono version, but it was
later discovered in April of 2022 that the
release tarball that it was built from included prebuilt binaries. Further
research revealed that these binaries were not optional. Due to this, a
decision was made to remove the Mono package, carried out on September 1, 2022.

We now once again have a Mono package, due to a patch
I submitted on November 29, which
after some revisions was committed on December 22. This patch series introduced
a full, 17-mono-package sequence that takes us from a mono-1.2.6 built fully
from source to mono-6.12.0 built fully from source, using only packages that
already have full bootstrap paths. I make no promise that this is the shortest
or most optimal path, but it exists and I have verified it works.

As I've spent what is probably an unreasonable amount of time working toward
this, I thought I'd share some of my thoughts, experiences, and commentary.
Sorry in advance if it gets a bit rambly or lecture-ish.


I started down this road because someone I'm working on a project with decided
to depend on a C# package that requires C# 12.0 features, and my personal Mono
package based on the tarball releases (which include bootstrap binaries) only
went up to C# 7.0. This meant that the C# package in question de facto required
strictly Microsoft's (er, I mean, "the .NET foundation"'s) .NET implementation —
hereafter referred to as "dotnet" — and a very recent version no less. The
bootstrapping story with dotnet is very
; even beginning to
untangle it would probably require a relatively modern C# compiler, and
something that at least sort of understands MSBuild. And there's not much point
to "bootstrapping" dotnet from something that isn't bootstrapped itself. So I
figured I may as well start with Mono.


While Mono is today probably the most well-known alternative to Microsoft's .NET
offerings, it is not the only one. Indeed, in the early 2000s there were at
least 2 competing free software implementations: Mono, and DotGNU's Portable.NET
(abbreviated pnet). They differed in goals, licenses, and methods: Portable.NET
was a GNU project concerned with, among other things, limiting the ability of
Microsoft to impose vendor lock-in via its proprietary .NET implementation and
software patents. As a GNU project, it used the GPL for its runtime and
compiler, and the GPL with a linking exception for its standard library,
pnetlib. Mono, on the other hand, used a mix of many copyleft and permissive
licenses: X11 for the standard library, GPL for the compiler (later
dual-licensed to add an X11 option), and LGPL for the runtime, with GPL and LGPL
code also offered "under commercial terms for when the GPL and the LGPL are not
suitable". In 2016 after its acquisition by Microsoft, the runtime was
relicensed to use the Expat (MIT) license.

But perhaps most importantly to us, while Mono opted to write its C# compiler,
mcs, in... C#, Portable.NET's runtime and C# compiler were both written in C.
Portable.NET along with the entire DotGNU project (except for LibJIT) was
decommissioned in 2012, but the source is still available, and it still works
fine (with a few modifications for compatibility with newer versions of its
dependencies). In September of 2022, Adam Faiz submitted
to package pnet and pnetlib, along
with one of their dependencies named treecc. These packages were based on the
last release of Portable.NET, version 0.8.0, released in 2007. I initially used
these packages as the basis for my bootstrap efforts, and even managed to get
mono-1.2.6 built using them, but later discovered that using a more recent
version from git made it much easier. For example, while pnet-0.8.0 can do
pointer arithmetic inside unsafe code blocks, it doesn't support the += or
-= operators specifically, which requires lots of patching (after all, who
would use x = x + y when you could do x += y?). There are many other
similar improvements in the git version, so for this patch series I've decided
to go with pnet-git.

The start

After building mono-1.2.6, I tried a few later versions, and the third or fourth
one would always fail with errors about missing methods. It turns out that the
reason for this is that, contrary to what their marketing suggests, C# and Java
are not "write once, run everywhere". This is because their compilers rely on
the details of the libraries that the program will be run with at compile-time.
This is used, for example, to do overload resolution. Suppose, for example,
that a certain implementation of the == operator is present in version 1.0 of
a library, and then in version 2.0 of a library a more specific implementation
is introduced. Now code that is compiled against version 2.0 may instead
automatically reference the more-specific implementation, as is in accordance
with the rules of C#. But when it is run with version 1.0, it will fail because
that implementation doesn't exist. In my case, for some reason the initial mcs
and core libraries being built to compile the rest of Mono were being compiled
against a 2.0 library and then run with a 1.0 library. It turns out that this
was because mcs uses mono's code for producing assemblies (.NET dlls and exes),
and mono decides which version to put in an assembly it writes based on "which
runtime version" is being used, and that version is decided at startup based
on... the version that was put in the assembly it is running. So for example,
mono-1.9.1 would produce 2.0 assemblies because mono-1.2.6 produced 2.0
assemblies because pnet produced 2.0 assemblies. So I modified Mono's runtime
in mono-1.9.1 to allow for this version to be overridden via environment
variable, and set it to v1.1.4322, and things went a lot more smoothly after

From there on it was mostly the usual trial-and-error process of identifying
where things had bitrotted. I made sure to unvendor libgc wherever possible,
though eventually by mono-4.9.0 they explicitly dropped support in their
configure script for using any libgc other than what was bundled, so at that
point I switched to using their homebrewed sgen garbage collector.

A concerning development

Once I got to mono-2.11.4, though, things took a turn for the interesting: Mono
started using git submodules, and the (recursive? #t) clones were all failing.
It turns out that this is because their submodules reference github.com using
the git:// protocol.

This is notable for a few reasons.

First, GitHub dropped support for the git:// protocol in 2021, so
recursive clones won't work now. This means I have to explicitly list
out every submodule, its commit, and its sha256 hash, for every Mono
version until they switched to using http or https. mono-2.11.4 has
only 4 submodules, but that doesn't last for long: by mono-4.9.0 it has
14 submodules. A significant portion of these patches is just listing
these submodules and their hashes. It's a bit annoying.

The more concerning reason, though, is why GitHub dropped support for the
git:// protocol: it is unencrypted and unauthenticated. This is mitigated
somewhat by the use of sha-1 hashes to identify commits in the referenced
submodules, putting a significant computational burden on anyone who would try
to alter what was fetched corresponding to a given submodule. Significantly
more risky, though, is the process of updating submodules that use git://
URLs. It is quite unlikely that a developer is going to independently clone one
of the submodules over https, navigate to a desirable commit, copy the sha-1
hash, and manually update the submodule reference's commit. They're far more
likely to run cd submodule; git pull; cd ..; git add submodule; git commit ...
or an equivalent.

Of course, any changes a network man-in-the-middle might try to make here would
still be reflected in the commit history, so even if a developer did that, they
or any of their fellow committers could spot anything strange or malicious and
point it out. Also, the changes couldn't be propagated to others trying to pull
them who weren't on a network path containing the MITM because the
potentially-malicious commit wouldn't be present in the real submodule's
repository. So the transparency of git clearly showing changes to text files,
combined with the fact that surely no git hosting platform would just allow
arbitrary entities to make whatever commits they want accessible under any
arbitrary repository URL, rather mitigate this security issue.

This usage of git:// URLs lasted all the way until September 28, 2021, when
GitHub's removal of support for it forced the developers to change them to

Meanwhile, in reality

On November 28, 2016, Mono added a submodule named roslyn-binaries.
Unsurprisingly, it included binary blobs for Microsoft's Roslyn compiler (which
I believe had been open-sourced shortly prior). From here on, Mono's build
system would default to using these binaries for building on little-endian
systems (though another compiler could be specified with the --with-csc
configure flag). I happen to know that it is extremely unlikely that many Mono
developers used this configure flag. I know this because the 5.0 series is an
absolute pain in the neck to build from source, because they consistently depend
on new C# features before they implement them.

To go on a brief tangent: does anyone remember back when youtube-dl was
temporarily taken down from GitHub due to the RIAA's DMCA request? Many were
unhappy about that. One such unhappy person made news when they made the full
contents of youtube-dl's repository available to access through the DMCA request
It turns out that there are many actions that one can take on GitHub that will
make arbitrary commits available under arbitrary repository URLs.

So, in reality, for the span of time from November 28, 2016 to
September 28, 2021, anybody sitting on the network path between GitHub
and any Mono developer updating the roslyn-binaries submodule could
decide on any arbitrary new commit to be used. Of course, merely
inspecting the diff for the commit will reveal nothing of use, because
the contents are binary blobs. And not only are these blobs those of a
compiler, they are the blobs of a compiler that is sure to be used to
compile another compiler, which will then be redistributed as an opaque,
non-bootstrappable binary blob to be used for compiling other compilers.

You would be hard-pressed to find a more fertile breeding ground for Ken
Thompson / Trusting Trust
If every agent of the NSA (and whatever other agencies, including those of other
countries, had access to the appropriate network traffic) somehow failed to
capitalize on 6 years of opportunity to compromise an entire software ecosystem
using only a basic MITM of unencrypted traffic, they deserve to be sacked.
Whether such an attack actually occurred or not, this is a case study in
carelessness and why bootstrappability is so important; discovering all this
made me quite worried about having used a Mono version built from blobs
previously, and has convinced me that, as time-wasting and tedious as this
project has been, it is nevertheless probably an important one.

Another note on roslyn-binaries

If you're going to write a self-hosting compiler, the least you can do is keep
it self-hosting. Deciding to write a self-hosting compiler is a valid choice,
of course, with its own merits and demerits, but there is something bitterly
poetic about Mono starting out requiring specifically Microsoft's C# compiler in
order to build (Mono did its initial bootstrapping using Microsoft's proprietary
csc), achieving independence through self-hosting, being acquired by Microsoft,
and thereafter coming crawling back to Microsoft's C# compiler once more before
eventually dying.

The funny thing is that it's not even necessary. The dependencies on new C#
features are all in Mono's standard library (which increasingly borrowed code
from Microsoft's corefx library), not in Mono's compiler.

More binary submodules?

Even before roslyn-binaries, there was binary-reference-assemblies, which
contained prebuilt "reference" blobs for the various versions of the standard
libraries. These exist, I assume, precisely because of the library
incompatibility problems regarding overloading that I mentioned earlier. While
later versions of Mono included sources and a build system for producing these
reference binaries, mono-4.9.0 and earlier did not. Mono's build system still
demanded something to install, though, so I told it to use the real standard
library of the input Mono version. When I did get to a Mono version that at
least claimed to support regenerating the reference binaries, I found that it
didn't work with mcs due to differences in which libraries had to be referenced,
so I had to patch it to add a bunch of references determined through trial and

The xunit-binaries submodule was also added sometime before mono-5.1.0. This
dependency makes it impossible to run the full test suite without binary blobs.
Presumably for this reason, Debian elects to only run tests within the
mono/mini/ and mono/tests/ subdirectories. For my part, I've disabled all
tests except for those of mono-6.12.0, the final version, limited to the two
aforementioned subdirectories. This is because it would take extra time for the
builds, because several of the tests depend on binary blobs bundled into the
Mono repository itself (which my thorough cleaning of all dlls and exes from the
sources removes), because a large chunk of the tests depend on binary blobs in
xunit-binaries in later versions, and because "expect some test failures" is
part of the Mono documentation and I don't have the time to figure out for the
Mono developers every reason why each of 17 versions of their test suite is

The long march through the 5.0s

The 5.0 series was when Microsoft acquired Mono, and it shows. You'll notice I
needed to introduce pre- packages for various versions because in several
cases a tagged release could not build the following tagged release. For that
matter, they couldn't build the pre- package either, but it at least took
fewer patches to get them working. The reason for this is that Mono added a
dependency on Microsoft's corefx library source code, and it usually started
using C# features well before mcs was able to compile them. Because of this,
despite taking 8 versions to get from 1.2.6 to 4.9.0, it took another 8 versions
to get through the 5.0 series, and 5 of them required nontrivial patching to
massage the source into a form compilable by mcs.

The final stretch

Eventually I realized that the dependencies on new features were all coming from
corefx, not from Mono's compiler. Consequently, the only reason for this
particular bootstrap-hostile ordering of builds is that it happened to be the
order the Mono devs committed things. So I just cherry-picked every commit I
could find touching mcs/mcs (magit was quite useful for this) and applied it
to 5.10.0 to produce what is essentially the 6.12.0 compiler, then used it to
jump straight to building 6.12.0.

Use of this technique earlier on in the bootstrap process may be of interest to
anyone looking to shorten the chain of packages.

The finishing touches

My initial goal was to package dotnet, and I had tried to progress toward that
from mono-4.9.0 for a period, but with no success. During that time, though, I
did encounter a bug in Mono's xbuild condition parser, which I wrote a patch
for, and included in mono-6.12.0.

I also discovered that xbuild would wrongly complain about missing references
even when the proper assemblies were in MONO_PATH or MONO_GAC_PREFIX,
because xbuild would erroneously only consider the path
/gnu/store/...mono-6.12.0/lib/mono/gac when looking for global assembly
caches, completely ignoring MONO_GAC_PREFIX. So I wrote a patch to fix that,
and included it in mono-6.12.0.

Having witnessed how much nicer it is to package things that use rpath / runpath
than things that use environment variables (like python) and therefore require
constant wrapping of executables and use of propagated-inputs, I devised a patch
that would extend Mono's per-assembly config files to support a <runpath>
element. For example, if you have a file /tmp/dir2/test2.exe, and there is
also a file /tmp/dir2/test2.exe.config, and its contents are

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <runpath path="/tmp/dir1"/>

and it references test1.dll, it will first look for it at
/tmp/dir1/test1.dll. Note that, of course, test1.dll still needs to be
accessible to the compiler at compile-time through MONO_PATH or an
explicitly-specified path passed on the mcs command line.

It is my hope that this feature will be of use to anybody interested in
developing a build system.

Future work

Mono had several difficult points in bootstrapping and packaging, but at the end
of the day it still met the basic description of a software package:
well-defined environment-supplied inputs and sources, a user-supplied install
prefix, and files installed under that prefix.

The dotnet world is an entirely different beast. The first step of most build
systems I have encountered from that realm is downloading an entire toolchain,
among other dependencies, as a binary blob. They heavily depend on the exact
packages they specify being available exactly where they say to install them.
There is no "install", there are no "install directories" to my knowledge. A
build that doesn't contact nuget.org is an aberration. I am at a loss how to
build these things, much less package them. I badly need help.

There are also some portability issues with the current bootstrap path. While
Portable.NET can fall back to an interpreter written in C where LibJIT isn't
supported, old versions of Mono have no such capability. Strictly speaking,
there is some bitrotted code for an interpreter that used to work, but has
stopped working by mono-1.2.6. It was left unmaintained until it was eventually
removed in 2014, only to be revived in
. This
poses a dilemma for anybody wanting to bootstrap Mono on a platform that wasn't
supported by mono-1.2.6's JIT compiler. There are a number of possible ways to
try resolving this, ranging from backporting the new interpreter, to fixing up
the old one for every version prior to the new interpreter, to forward-porting
the old compiler and class libraries to the new interpreter, etc.

The most interesting option, though, in my opinion, would be to port mcs to
Portable.NET. This would achieve the intended portability, while also allowing
individual builds to be much faster since we're only building mcs, not the
runtime and class library each time. It would also allow us to make much bigger
version jumps, since, as we discovered earlier, many of the new C# feature
dependencies in Mono come from the class library rather than the compiler. Such
a shortened bootstrap could also make the bootstrap path more appealing for
other distributions to use instead of binaries.

Closing thoughts

"You wish now that our places had been exchanged. That I had died, and DotGNU
had lived?"

"... Yes. I wish that."

Maintenance of Mono was recently transferred over to WineHQ. With that
announcement this statement was placed at https://www.mono-project.com:

"We want to recognize that the Mono Project was the first .NET implementation
on Android, iOS, Linux, and other operating systems. The Mono Project was a
trailblazer for the .NET platform across many operating systems. It helped
make cross-platform .NET a reality and enabled .NET in many new places and we
appreciate the work of those who came before us."

I would like to clarify that, according to Miguel de Icaza
, DotGNU
"started working on the system about the same time". According to this DotGNU
, Portable.NET began "in
January 2001". While it's unclear exactly when Portable.NET reached various
milestones, and the significance of the various milestones varies somewhat (for
example, Mono probably does not care that Portable.NET also includes a Java and
C compiler), I think that there is cause to dispute the claim that Mono was "the
first" .NET implementation on Linux.

On a related note, if we haven't looked at the possibility of using Portable.NET
in the Java bootstrap process, it may be worth visiting at some point.

Thank you to the DotGNU project, for the .NET implementation that made this
bootstrap possible, Adam Faiz, for the initial packaging of it that let me jump
straight in, the Mono project, for... Mono, and you, for your time.

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Source: Planet GNU

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