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Git Submodules: Advanced Usage and Strategies on Ubuntu

Git Bash is an open-source tool that is specially designed for developers to manage their projects on sources like GitHub and GitLab. On hosts like Github, every user is assigned a specific module to work on and then later on, it will be merged. However, if the developers want to make another repository inside the existing repository, it is known as a Git submodule.

The article will talk about:

What are Git Submodules in Git?

As mentioned earlier, Git submodules are the repository inside an existing repository that is utilized for keeping the record of external commits/dependencies in the project. Moreover, it doesn’t track the git branches nor update automatically when the hosted repository is updated.

How to Add Git Submodules in Git on Ubuntu?

For adding the Git submodules in Git on Ubuntu, walk through the below-provided steps.

Step 1: Check Git

Open the terminal and let’s check the version of Git using the following command:

git --version


Git version 2.34.1 is available for use.

Step 2: Create a Directory

Create the directory using the “mkdir” command:

mkdir sub-modules


In our case, we have created the “sub-modules” directory.

Step 3: Move to the Created Directory

After that, move to the created directory with the help of the “cd” command:

cd sub-modules


Step 4: Initialize Repository

Initialize the created Git repository by executing the “git init” command:

git init


The project repository has been initialized.

Step 5: Copy the Repository URL

Afterward, open the Git repository on GitHub and copy the HTTPS URL by opening the “Code” dropdown as highlighted:

Step 6: Add Submodule

After copying the repository, add the git submodules using the command and specify the copied URL of the particular repository:

git submodule add https://github.com/Mateen900/perk


The submodule has been cloned.

Step 7: Check Status

Now, check the status of the cloned submodule using the “git status” command:

git status


The above output shows that there are no commits yet.

Step 8: Commit Changes

Let’s commit some changes in the project using the “git commit” command:

git commit -m "changes"


The changes have been committed.


Git submodules are the repository inside an existing repository that is utilized for keeping the record of external commits/dependencies in the project. To add a sub-module on Ubuntu, create and initialize the directory. After that, copy the HTTPS URL of the GitHub repository and use the “git submodule add <HTTPS Link>” command to add the submodule. This write-up has provided a detailed guide about Git submodules.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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