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C# LINQ Take Operator

Language Integrated Query language (LINQ) is used to perform operations on the C# collections or Normal data structures. With LINQ, we can also perform database query operations. LINQ supports many methods and functions that are used for data manipulation, like updating, deletion, insertion, etc.

LINQ Take()

The LINQ Take operator is used to return the values from the given data structure. It takes an integer value as a parameter that represents the total number of elements to be retrieved from the given data structure.




from element in input_source select element.Take(n)

Where input_source is the data source.


It takes an integer value(n) which is used to return that number of elements from the given data structure.

Now consider a scenario where the value of n(integer) is greater than the total number of elements in the data structure. All the elements in the data structure are returned without any error.

Example 1:

Here, we will create a list that has 10 integers and get 5 elements using the Take operator using both the methods(Method and Query).

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

 //create a class - Linuxhint
class Linuxhint

    static public  void Main(){
    //create List named input
    var input = new  List() {34,56,78,12,34,53,56,78,90,100};
    //return 5 integers
    var result=input.Take(5);
     Console.WriteLine("---Using Method---");
    //display the result
  foreach (int i in result)  
     Console.WriteLine("---Using Query---");
    //display the result by returning 5 integers.
    foreach (int j in (from  element in input select element).Take(5))  



1. So firstly, we created a list named input_numbers that holds 10 integer elements.

2. After that we are taking only 5 values using Take() with Method syntax.

3. Finally, we are displaying the result using a foreach loop.

Example 2:

Here, we will create a string array that has 4 strings and get 6 elements using the Take operator using both the methods(Method and Query).

using System;
using System.Linq;

 //create a class - Linuxhint
class Linuxhint

    static public  void Main(){
    //create string array named input
     string[] input =  {"Linuxhint","java","html","sravan"};
    //return all strings
    var result=input.Take(6);
     Console.WriteLine("---Using Method---");
    //display the result
  foreach (string i in result)  
     Console.WriteLine("---Using Query---");
    //display the result by returning all strings.
    foreach (string j in (from  element in input select element).Take(6))  


You can see that all the elements from the string array were returned without any error.


Create a string array naemd input that holds 4 strings.

Use Method syntax to get all values using the Take() operator.

Use Query syntax to get all values using the Take() operator.


So we have seen how to return the elements using Take() operator in C# – LINQ. It takes an integer value as a parameter that represents the total number of elements to be retired from the given data structure. In each example, we implemented Take() with Method as well as Query syntax. Finally, we came to notice that if the value of an integer is greater than the total number of elements in the data structure, then all the elements in the data structure are returned without any error.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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