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Andy Wingo: whippet: towards a new local maximum

Friends, you might have noted, but over the last year or so I really
caught the GC bug. Today's post sums up that year, in the form of a
talk I gave yesterday at FOSDEM. It's long! If you prefer video, you
can have a look instead to the at the FOSDEM event

Whippet: A New GC for Guile

4 Feb 2023 – FOSDEM

Andy Wingo

Guile is...

Mostly written in Scheme

Also a 30 year old C library

// API
SCM scm_cons (SCM car, SCM cdr);

// Many third-party users
SCM x = scm_cons (a, b);

So the context for the whole effort is that Guile has this part of its
implementation which is in C. It also exposes a lot of that
implementation to users as an API.

Putting the C into GC

SCM x = scm_cons (a, b);

Live objects: the roots, plus anything a live object refers to

How to include x into roots?

  • Refcounting
  • Register (& later unregister) &x with gc
  • Conservative roots

So what contraints does this kind of API impose on the garbage

Let's start by considering the simple cons call above. In a
garbage-collected environment, the GC is responsible for reclaiming
unused memory. How does the GC know that the result of a scm_cons
call is in use?

Generally speaking there are two main strategies for automatic memory
management. One is reference counting: you associate a count with an
object, incremented once for each referrer; in this case, the stack
would hold a reference to x. When removing the reference, you
decrement the count, and if it goes to 0 the object is unused and can be

We GC people used to laugh at reference-counting as a memory management
solution because it over-approximates the live object set in the
presence of cycles, but it would seem that refcounting is coming
Anyway, this isn't what Guile does, not right now anyway.

The other strategy we can use is tracing: the garbage collector
periodically finds all of the live objects on the system and then
recycles the memory for everything else. But how to actually find the
first live objects to trace?

One way is to inform the garbage collector of the locations of all
roots: references to objects originating from outside the heap. This
can be done explicitly, as in V8's Handle<>
, or
implicitly, in the form of a side table generated by the compiler
associating code locations with root locations. This is called precise
: the GC is aware of all root locations at all code positions
where GC might happen. Generally speaking you want the side table approach,
in which the compiler writes out root locations to stack maps, because
it doesn't impose any overhead at run-time to register and unregister
locations. However for run-time routines implemented in C or C++, you
won't be able to get the C compiler to do this for you, so you need the
explicit approach if you want precise roots.

Conservative roots

Treat every word in stack as potential root; over-approximate live object set

1993: Bespoke GC inherited from SCM

2006 (1.8): Added pthreads, bugs

2009 (2.0): Switch to BDW-GC

BDW-GC: Roots also from extern SCM foo;, etc

The other way to find roots is very much not The Right Thing. Call it
cheeky, call it sloppy, call it yolo, call it what you like, but in the
trade it's known as conservative root-finding. This strategy looks
like this:

uintptr_t *limit = stack_base_for_platform();
uintptr_t *sp = __builtin_frame_address();
for (; sp < limit; sp++) {
  void *obj = object_at_address(*sp);
  if (obj) add_to_live_objects(obj);

You just look at every word on the stack and pretend it's a pointer. If
it happens to point to an object in the heap, we add that object to the
live set. Of course this algorithm can find a spicy integer whose value
just happens to correspond to an object's address, even if that object
wouldn't have been counted as live otherwise. This approach doesn't
compute the minimal live set, but rather a conservative
over-approximation. Oh well. In practice this doesn't seem to be a big

Guile has used conservative root-finding since its beginnings, 30 years
ago and more. We had our own bespoke mark-sweep GC in the beginning,
but it's now going on 15 years or so that we switched to the third-party
Boehm-Demers-Weiser (BDW) collector.
It's been good to us! It's better than what we had, it's mostly just
worked, and it works correctly with threads.

Conservative roots

+: Ergonomic, eliminates class of bugs (handle registration), no compiler constraints

-: Potential leakage, no compaction / object motion; no bump-pointer allocation, calcifies GC choice

Conservative root-finding does have advantages. It's quite pleasant to
program with, in environments in which the compiler is unable to produce
stack maps for you, as it eliminates a set of potential bugs related to
explicit handle registration and unregistration. Like stack maps, it
also doesn't impose run-time overhead on the user program. And although
the compiler isn't constrained to emit code to clear roots, it generally
does, and sometimes does so more promptly than would be the case with explicit handle deregistration.

But, there are disadvantages too. The potential for leaks is one, though I have to say that
in 20 years of using conservative-roots systems, I have not found this
to be a problem. It's a source of anxiety whenever a program has memory
consumption issues but I've never identified it as being the culprit.

The more serious disadvantage, though, is that conservative edges
prevent objects from being moved by the GC. If you know that a location
holds a pointer, you can update that location to point to a new location
for an object. But if a location only might be a pointer, you can't
do that.

In the end, the ergonomics of conservative collection lead to a kind of
calcification in Guile, that we thought that BDW was as good as we could
get given the constraints, and that changing to anything else would
require precise roots, and thus an API and ABI change, losing users, and
so on.

What if I told you

You can find roots conservatively and

  • move objects and compact the heap
  • do fast bump-pointer allocation
  • incrementally migrate to precise roots

BDW is not the local maximum

But it turns out, that's not true! There is a way to have conservative
roots and also use more optimal GC algorithms, and one which preserves
the ability to incrementally refactor the system to have more precision
if that's what you want.


Fundamental GC algorithms

  • mark-compact
  • mark-sweep
  • evacuation
  • mark-region

Immix is a mark-region collector

Let's back up to a high level. Garbage collector implementations are assembled from instances of
algorithms, and there are only so many kinds of algorithms out there.

There's mark-compact, in which the collector traverses the object
graph once to find live objects, then once again to slide them down to
one end of the space they are in.

There's mark-sweep, where the
collector traverses the graph once to find live objects, then traverses
the whole heap, sweeping dead objects into free lists to be used for
future allocations.

There's evacuation, where the collector does a
single pass over the object graph, copying the objects outside their
space and leaving a forwarding pointer behind.

The BDW collector used by Guile is a mark-sweep collector, and its use
of free lists means that allocation isn't as fast as it could be. We
want bump-pointer allocation and all the other algorithms give it to us.

Then in 2008, Stephen Blackburn and Kathryn McKinley put out
their Immix paper that identified
a new kind of collection algorithm, mark-region. A mark-region
collector will mark the object graph and then sweep the whole heap for unmarked regions, which can then be reused for allocating
new objects.

Allocate: Bump-pointer into holes in thread-local block, objects can span lines but not blocks

Trace: Mark objects and lines

Sweep: Coarse eager scan over line mark bytes

Blackburn and McKinley's paper also describes a new mark-region GC
algorithm, Immix, which is interesting because it gives us bump-pointer
allocation without requiring that objects be moveable. The diagram
above, from the paper, shows the organization of an Immix heap.
Allocating threads (mutators) obtain 64-kilobyte blocks from the heap.
Blocks contains 128-byte lines. When Immix traces the object graph,
it marks both objects and the line the object is on. (Usually blocks
are part of 2MB aligned slabs, with line mark bits/bytes are stored in a
packed array at the start of the slab. When marking an object, it's
easy to find the associated line mark just with address arithmetic.)

Immix reclaims memory in units of lines. A set of contiguous lines that
were not marked in the previous collection form a hole (a region).
Allocation proceeds into holes, in the usual bump-pointer fashion,
giving us good locality for contemporaneously-allocated objects, unlike
freelist allocation. The slow path, if the object doesn't fit in the
hole, is to look for the next hole in the block, or if needed to acquire
another block, or to stop for collection if there are no more blocks.

Immix: Opportunistic evacuation

Before trace, determine if compaction needed. If not, mark as usual

If so, select candidate blocks and evacuation target blocks. When tracing in that block, try to evacuate, fall back to mark

The neat thing that Immix adds is a way to compact the heap via
opportunistic evacuation. As Immix allocates, it can end up skipping
over holes and leaving them unpopulated, and as subsequent cycles of GC
occur, it could be that a block ends up with many small holes. If that
happens to many blocks it could be time to compact.

To fight fragmentation, Immix decides at the beginning of a GC cycle
whether to try to compact or not. If things aren't fragmented, Immix
marks in place; it's cheaper that way. But if compaction is needed,
Immix selects a set of blocks needing evacuation and another set of
empty blocks to evacuate into. (Immix has to keep around a couple
percent of memory in empty blocks in
this purpose.)

As Immix traverses the object graph, if it finds that an object is in a
block that needs evacuation, it will try to evacuate instead of marking.
It may or may not succeed, depending on how much space is available to
evacuate into. Maybe it will succeed for all objects in that block, and
you will be left with an empty block, which might even be given back to
the OS.

Immix: Guile

Opportunistic evacuation compatible with conservative roots!

Bump-pointer allocation


1 year ago: start work on WIP GC implementation

Tying this back to Guile, this gives us all of our desiderata: we can
evacuate, but we don't have to, allowing us to cause referents of
conservative roots to be marked in place instead of moved; we can
bump-pointer allocate; and we are back on the train of modern GC
implementations. I could no longer restrain myself: I started hacking
on a work-in-progress garbage collector workbench about a year ago, and
ended up with something that seems to take us in the right direction.

Whippet vs Immix: Tiny lines

Immix: 128B lines + mark bit in object

Whippet: 16B “lines”; mark byte in side table

More size overhead: 1/16 vs 1/128

Less fragmentation (1 live obj = 2 lines retained)

More alloc overhead? More small holes

What I ended up building wasn't quite Immix. Guile's object
representation is very thin and doesn't currently have space for a mark
bit, for example, so I would have to have a side table of mark bits. (I
could have changed Guile's object representation but I didn't want to
require it.) I actually chose mark bytes instead of bits because both the Immix line
marks and BDW's own side table of marks were bytes, to allow for
parallel markers to race when setting marks.

Then, given that you have a contiguous table of mark bytes, why not
remove the idea of lines altogether? Or what amounts to the same thing, why not make
line size to be 16 bytes and do away with per-object mark bits? You can then bump-pointer into holes in the mark
byte array. The only thing you need to do to that is to be able to cheaply
find the end of an object, so you can skip to the next hole while
sweeping; you don't want to have to chase pointers to do that. But
consider, you've already paid the cost of having a mark byte associated
with every possible start of an object, so if your basic object
alignment is 16 bytes, that's a memory overhead of 1/16, or 6.25%; OK.
Let's put that mark byte to work and include an "end" bit, indicating
the end of the object. Allocating an object has to store into the mark
byte array to initialize this "end" marker, but you need to write the
mark byte anyway to allow for conservative roots ("does this address
hold an object?"); writing the end at the same time isn't so bad,

The expected outcome would be that relative to 128-byte lines, Whippet
ends up with more, smaller holes. Such a block would be a prime target
for evacuation, of course, but during allocation this is overhead. Or,
it could be a source of memory efficiency; who knows. There is some
science yet to do to properly compare this tactic to original Immix, but
I don't think I will get around to it.

While I am here and I remember these things, I need to mention two more
details. If you read the Immix paper, it describes "conservative line
marking", which is related to how you find the end of an object;
basically Immix always marks the line an object is on and the next
, in case the object spans the line boundary. Only objects larger
than a line have to precisely mark the line mark array when they are
traced. Whippet doesn't do this because we have the end bit.

The other detail is the overflow allocator; in the original Immix paper,
if you allocate an object that's smallish but still larger than a line
or two, but there's no hole big enough in the block, Immix keeps around
a completely empty block per mutator in which to bump-pointer-allocate
these medium-sized objects. Whippet doesn't do that either, instead
relying on such failure to allocate in a block to cause fragmentation
and thus hurry along the process of compaction.

Whippet vs Immix: Lazy sweeping

Immix: “cheap” eager coarse sweep

Whippet: just-in-time lazy fine-grained sweep

Corrolary: Data computed by sweep available when sweep complete

Live data at previous GC only known before next GC

Empty blocks discovered by sweeping

Having a fine-grained line mark array means that it's no longer a win to
do an eager sweep of all blocks after collecting. Instead Whippet
applies the classic "lazy sweeping" optimization to make mutators sweep
their blocks just before allocating into them. This introduces a delay
in the collection
Whippet doesn't find out about e.g. fragmentation until the whole heap
is swept, but by the time we fully sweep the heap, we've exhausted it
via allocation. It introduces a different flavor to the GC, not
entirely unlike original Immix, but foreign.

Whippet vs BDW

Compaction/defrag/pinning, heap shrinking, sticky-mark generational GC, threads/contention/allocation, ephemerons, precision, tools

Right! With that out of the way, let's talk about what Whippet gives to
Guile, relative to BDW-GC.

Whippet vs BDW: Motion

Heap-conservative tracing: no object moveable

Stack-conservative tracing: stack referents pinned, others not

Whippet: If whole-heap fragmentation exceeds threshold, evacuate most-fragmented blocks

Stack roots scanned first; marked instead of evacuated, implicitly pinned

Explicit pinning: bit in mark byte

If all edges in the heap are conservative, then you can't move anything,
because you don't know if an edge is a pointer that can be updated or
just a spicy integer. But most systems aren't actually like this: you
have conservative edges from the stack, but you can precisely enumerate
intra-object edges on the heap. In that case, you have a known set of
conservative edges, and you can simply visit those edges first, marking
their referents in place instead of evacuating. (Marking an object
instead of evacuating implicitly pins it for the duration of the current
GC cycle.) Then you visit heap edges precisely, possibly evacuating

I should note that Whippet has a bit in the mark byte for use in
explicitly pinning an object. I'm not sure how to manage who is
responsible for setting that bit, or what the policy will be; the
current idea is to set it for any object whose identity-hash value is
taken. We'll see.

Whippet vs BDW: Shrinking

Lazy sweeping finds empty blocks: potentially give back to OS

Need empty blocks? Do evacuating collection

Possibility to do http://marisa.moe/balancer.html

With the BDW collector, your heap can only grow; it will never shrink
(unless you enable a non-default option and you happen to have verrry
low fragmentation). But with Whippet and evacuation, we can rearrange
objects so as to produce empty blocks, which can then be returned to the
OS if so desired.

In one of my microbenchmarks I have the system allocating long-lived
data, interspersed with garbage (objects that are dead after allocation)
whose size is in a power-law distribution. This should produce quite
some fragmentation, eventually, and it does. But then Whippet decides
to defragment, and it works great! Since Whippet doesn't keep a whole
2x reserve like a semi-space collector, it usually takes more than one
GC cycle to fully compact the heap; usually about 3 cycles, from what I
can see. I should do some more measurements here.

Of course, this is just mechanism; choosing the right heap sizing

is a different question.


Card marking barrier (256B); compare to BDW mprotect / SIGSEGV

The Boehm collector also has a non-default mode in which it uses
mprotect and a SIGSEGV handler to enable sticky-mark-bit
generational collection. I haven't done a serious investigation, but I
see it actually increasing run-time by 20% on one of my microbenchmarks
that is actually generation-friendly. I know that Azul's C4 collector
used to use page protection tricks but I can only assume that BDW's
algorithm just doesn't work very well. (BDW's page barriers have
another purpose, to enable incremental collection, in which marking is
interleaved with allocation, but this mode is off if parallel markers
are supported, and I don't know how well it works.)

Anyway, it seems we can do better. The ideal would be a semi-space
nursery, which is the usual solution, but because of conservative roots
we are limited to the sticky mark-bit
Some benchmarks aren't very generation-friendly; the first pair of bars
in the chart above shows the mt-gcbench microbenchmark running with
and without generational collection, and there's no difference. But in
the second, for the quads benchmark, we see a 2x speedup or so.

Of course, to get generational collection to work, we require mutators
to use write barriers, which are little bits of code that run when an
object is mutated that tell the GC where it might find links from old
objects to new objects. Right now in Guile we don't do this, but this
benchmark shows what can happen if we do.

Whippet vs BDW: Scale

BDW: TLS segregated-size freelists, lock to refill freelists, SIGPWR for stop

Whippet: thread-local block, sweep without contention, wait-free acquisition of next block, safepoints to stop with ragged marking

Both: parallel markers

Another thing Whippet can do better than BDW is performance when there
are multiple allocating threads. The Immix heap organization
facilitates minimal coordination between mutators, and maximum locality
for each mutator. Sweeping is naturally parallelized according to how
many threads are allocating. For BDW, on the other hand, every time an
mutator needs to refill its thread-local free lists, it grabs a global
lock; sweeping is lazy but serial.

Here's a chart showing whippet versus BDW on one microbenchmark. On the
X axis I add more mutator threads; each mutator does the same amount of
allocation, so I'm increasing the heap size also by the same factor as
the number of mutators. For simplicity I'm running both whippet and BDW
with a single marker thread, so I expect to see a linear increase in
elapsed time as the heap gets larger (as with 4 mutators there are
roughly 4 times the number of live objects to trace). This test is run
on a Xeon Silver 4114, taskset to free cores on a single socket.

What we see is that as I add workers, elapsed time increases linearly
for both collectors, but more steeply for BDW. I think (but am not
sure) that this is because whippet effectively parallelizes sweeping and
allocation, whereas BDW has to contend over a global lock to sweep and
refill free lists. Both have the linear factor of tracing the object
graph, but BDW has the additional linear factor of sweeping, whereas
whippet scales with mutator count.

Incidentally you might notice that at 4 mutator threads, BDW randomly
crashed, when constrained to a fixed heap size. I have noticed that if
you fix the heap size, BDW sometimes (and somewhat randomly) fails. I
suspect the crash due to fragmentation and inability to compact, but who
knows; multiple threads allocating is a source of indeterminism.
Usually when you run BDW you let it choose its own heap size, but for
these experiments I needed to have a fixed heap size instead.

Another measure of scalability is, how does the collector do as you add
marker threads? This chart shows that for both collectors, runtime
decreases as you add threads. It also shows that whippet is
significantly slower than BDW on this benchmark, which is Very Weird,
and I didn't have access to the machine on which these benchmarks were
run when preparing the slides in the train... so, let's call this chart
a good reminder that Whippet is a WIP 🙂

While in the train to Brussels I re-ran this test on the 4-core laptop I
had on hand, and got the results that I expected: that whippet performed
similarly to BDW, and that adding markers improved things, albeit
marginally. Perhaps I should look on a different microbenchmark.

Incidentally, when you configure Whippet for parallel marking at
build-time, it uses a different implementation of the mark stack when
compared to the parallel marker, even when only 1 marker is enabled.
Certainly the parallel marker could use some tuning.

Whippet vs BDW: Ephemerons

BDW: No ephemerons

Whippet: Yes

Another deep irritation I have with BDW is that it doesn't support
In Guile we have a number of facilities
the symbol table, weak
et al) built on what BDW does have
but the implementations of these facilities in Guile are hacky, slow,
sometimes buggy, and don't compose (try putting an object in a guardian
and giving it a
to see
what I mean). It would be much better if the collector API supported
ephemerons natively, specifying their relationship to finalizers and
other facilities, allowing us to build what we need in terms of those
primitives. With our own GC, we can do that, and do it in such a way
that it doesn't depend on the details of the specific collection
algorithm. The exception of course is that as BDW doesn't support
ephemerons per se, what we get is actually a weak-key association
instead, whose value can keep the key alive. Oh well, it's no worse
than the current situation.

Whippet vs BDW: Precision

BDW: ~Always stack-conservative, often heap-conservative

Whippet: Fully configurable (at compile-time)

Guile in mid/near-term: C stack conservative, Scheme stack precise, heap precise

Possibly fully precise: unlock semi-space nursery

Conservative tracing is a fundamental design feature of the BDW
collector, both of roots and of inter-heap edges. You can tell BDW how
to trace specific kinds of heap values, but the default is to do a
conservative scan, and the stack is always scanned conservatively. In
contrast, these tradeoffs are all configurable in Whippet. You can scan
the stack and heap precisely, or stack conservatively and heap
precisely, or vice versa (though that doesn't make much sense), or both

The long-term future in Guile is probably to continue to scan the C
stack conservatively, to continue to scan the Scheme stack precisely
(even with BDW-GC, the Scheme compiler emits stack maps and installs a
custom mark routine), but to scan the heap as precisely as possible. It
could be that a user uses some of our hoary ancient

to allocate an object that Whippet can't trace precisely; in that case
we'd have to disable evacuation / object motion, but we could still
trace other objects precisely.

If Guile ever moved to a fully precise world, that would be a boon for
performance, in two ways: first that we would get the ability to use a
semi-space nursery instead of the sticky-mark-bit algorithm, and
relatedly that we wouldn't need to initialize mark bytes when allocating
objects. Second, we'd gain the option to use must-move algorithms for the
old space as well (mark-compact, semi-space) if we wanted to. But it's
just an option, one that that Whippet opens up for us.

Whippet vs BDW: Tools?

Can build heap tracers and profilers moer easily

More hackable

(BDW-GC has as many preprocessor directives as whippet has source lines)

Finally, relative to BDW-GC, whippet has a more intangible advantage: I
can actually hack on it. Just as an indication, 15% of BDW source lines
are pre-processor directives, and there is one file that has like 150
#ifdef's, not counting #elseif's, many of them nested. I haven't
done all that much to BDW itself, but I personally find it excruciating
to work on.

Hackability opens up the possibility to build more tools to help us
diagnose memory use problems. They aren't in Whippet yet, but there can

Engineering Whippet

Embed-only, abstractions, migration, modern; timeline

OK, that rounds out the comparison between BDW and Whippet, at least on
a design level. Now I have a few words about how to actually get this
new collector into Guile without breaking the bug budget. I try to
arrange my work areas on Guile in such a way that I spend a minimum of
time on bugs. Part of my strategy is negligence, I will admit, but part
also is anticipating problems and avoiding them ahead of time, even if
it takes more work up front.

Engineering Whippet: Embed-only


Semi: 6 kB; Whippet: 22 kB; BDW: 184 kB

Compile-time specialization:

  • for embedder (e.g. how to forward objects)
  • for selected GC algorithm (e.g. semi-space vs whippet)

Built apart, but with LTO to remove library overhead

So the BDW collector is typically shipped as a shared library that you
dynamically link to. I should say that we've had an overall good
experience with upgrading BDW-GC in the past; its maintainer (Ivan
Maidanski) does a great and responsible job on a hard project. It's
been many, many years since we had a bug in BDW-GC. But still, BDW is
dependency, and all things being
prefer to remove moving parts.

The approach that Whippet is taking is to be an embed-only library:
it's designed to be compiled into your project. It's not an
include-only library; it still has to be compiled, but with
link-time-optimization and a judicious selection of fast-path
interfaces, Whippet is mostly able to avoid abstractions being a
performance barrier.

The result is that Whippet is small, both in source and in binary, which
minimizes its maintenance overhead. Taking additional stripped
optimized binary size as the metric, by my calculations a semi-space
collector (with a large object space and ephemeron support) takes about
6 kB of object file size, whereas Whippet takes 22 and BDW takes 184.
Part of how Whippet gets so small is that it is is configured in major
ways at compile-time (choice of main GC algorithm), and specialized
against the program it's embedding against (e.g. how to patch in a
forwarding pointer). Having all API being internal and visible to LTO
instead of going through ELF symbol resolution helps in a minor way as

Engineering Whippet: Abstract performance

User API abstracts over GC algorithm, e.g. semi-space or whippet

Expose enough info to allow JIT to open-code fast paths

Inspired by mmtk.io

Abstractions permit change: of algorithm, over time

From a composition standpoint, Whippet is actually a few things.
Firstly there is an abstract API to allocate to make a heap, create
per-thread mutators, and allocate
. There
is the aforementioned embedder
for having the embedding program indicate how to trace objects and
install forwarding pointers. Then there is some common code (for
example ephemeron
There are implementations of the different spaces:
and finally collector implementations that tie together the spaces into
a full implementation of the abstract API. (In practice the more iconic
spaces are intertwingled with the collector implementations they

I don't think I would have gone down this route without seeing some
prior work, for example
but it was really MMTk that convinced me that it was
worth spending a little time thinking about the GC not as a
structureless blob but as a system made of parts and exposing a minimal
interface. In particular, I was inspired by seeing that MMTk is able to
get good performance while also being abstract, exposing representation
details such as how to tell a JIT compiler about allocation fast-paths,
but in a principled way. So, thanks MMTk people, for this and so many

I'm particularly happy that the API is abstract enough that it frees up
not only the garbage collector to change implementations, but also Guile
and other embedders, in that they don't have to bake in a dependency on
specific collectors. The semi-space collector has been particularly
useful here in ensuring that the abstractions don't accidentally rely on
support for object pinning.

Engineering Whippet: Migration

API implementable by BDW-GC (except ephemerons)

First step for Guile: BDW behind Whippet API

Then switch to whippet/immix (by default)

The collector API can actually be implemented by the BDW collector.
Whippet includes a collector that is a thin wrapper around the BDW
, with support
for fast-path allocation via thread-local freelists. In this way we can
always check the performance of any given collector against an external
fixed point (BDW) as well as a theoretically known point (the semi-space

Indeed I think the first step for Guile is precisely this: refactor
Guile to allocate through the Whippet API, but using the BDW collector
as the implementation. This will ensure that the Whippet API is
sufficient, and then allow an incremental switch to other collectors.

Incidentally, when it comes to integrating Whippet, there are some
choices to be made. I mentioned that it's quite configurable, and this
chart can give you some idea. On the left side is one microbenchmark
(mt-gcbench) and on the right is another (quads). The first
generates a lot of fragmentation and has a wide range of object sizes,
including some very large objects. The second is very uniform and many
allocations die young.

(I know these images are small; right-click to open in new tab or pinch
to zoom to see more detail.)

Within each set of bars we have 10 different scenarios, corresponding to
different Whippet configurations. (All of these tests are run on my old
4-core laptop with 4 markers if parallel marking is supported, and a 2x

The first bar in each side is serial whippet: one marker. Then we see
parallel whippet: four markers. Great. Then there's generational
whippet: one marker, but just scanning objects allocated in the current
cycle, hoping that produces enough holes. Then generational parallel
whippet: the same as before, but with 4 markers.

The next 4 bars are the same: serial, parallel, generational,
parallel-generational, but with one difference: the stack is scanned
conservatively instead of precisely. You might be surprised but all of
these configurations actually perform better than their precise
counterparts. I think the reason is that the microbenchmark uses
explicit handle registration and deregistration (it's a stack) instead
of compiler-generated stack maps in a side table, but I'm not precisely
(ahem) sure.

Finally the next 2 bars are serial and parallel collectors, but marking
everything conservatively. I have generational measurements for this
configuration but it really doesn't make much sense to assume that you
can emit write barriers in this context. These runs are slower than the
previous configuration, mostly because there are some non-pointer
locations that get scanned conservatively that wouldn't get scanned
precisely. I think conservative heap scanning is less efficient than
precise but I'm honestly not sure, there are some instruction locality
arguments in the other direction. For mt-gcbench though there's a big
array of floating-point values that a precise scan will omit, which
causes significant overhead there. Probably for this configuration to
be viable Whippet would need the equivalent of BDW's API to allocate

Engineering Whippet: Modern



pthreads (for parallel markers)

No void*; instead struct types: gc_ref, gc_edge, gc_conservative_ref, etc

Embed-only lib avoids any returns-struct-by-value ABI issue

Rust? MMTk; supply chain concerns

Platform abstraction for conservative root finding

I know it's a sin, but Whippet is implemented in C. I know. The thing
is, in the Guile context I need to not introduce wild compile-time
dependencies, because of
And I know that Rust is a fine language to use for GC
, so if
that's what you want, please do go take a look at MMTk! It's a
fantastic project, written in Rust, and it can just slot into your
project, regardless of the language your project is written in.

But if what you're looking for is something in C, well then you have to
pick and choose your C. In the case of Whippet I try to use the limited
abilities of C to help prevent bugs; for example, I generally avoid
void* and instead wrap pointers or addresses into single-field structs
that can't be automatically cast, for example to prevent a struct gc_ref that denotes an object reference (or NULL; it's an option
type) from being confused with a struct gc_conservative_ref, which
might not point to an object at all.

(Of course, by "C" I mean "C as compiled by gcc and clang with -fno-strict-aliasing". I don't know if it's possible to implement even a simple semi-space collector in C without aliasing violations. Can you access a Foo* object within a mmap'd heap through its new address after it has been moved via memcpy? Maybe not, right? Thoughts are welcome.)

As a project written in the 2020s instead of the 1990s, Whippet gets to
assume a competent C compiler, for example relying on the compiler to
inline and fold branches where appropriate. As in libpas, Whippet
liberally passes functions as values to inline functions, and relies on
the compiler to boil away function calls. Whippet only uses the C
preprocessor when it absolutely has to.

Finally, there is a clean abstraction for anything that's
platform-specific, for example finding the current stack
. I
haven't compiled this code on Windows or MacOS yet, but I am not
anticipating too many troubles.

Engineering Whippet: Timeline

As time permits

Whippet TODO: heap growth/shrinking, finalizers, safepoint API

Guile TODO: safepoints; heap-conservative first

Precise heap TODO: gc_trace_object, SMOBs, user structs with raw ptr fields, user gc_malloc usage; 3.2

6 months for 3.1.1; 12 for 3.2.0 ?

So where does this get us? Where are we now?

For Whippet itself, I think it's mostly done -- enough to start shifting
focus to some different phase. It's missing some needed features,
notably the ability to grow the heap at all, as I've been in
fixed-heap-size-only mode during development. It's also missing
finalizers. And, something needs to be done to unify Guile's handling
of safepoints and processing of asynchronous

with Whippet's need to stop all mutators. Some details remain.

But, I think we are close to ready to start integrating in Guile. At
first this is just porting Guile to use the Whippet API to access BDW
instead of using BDW directly. This whole thing is a side project for
me that I work on when I can, so it doesn't exactly proceed at full
pace. Perhaps this takes 6 months. Then we can cut a new unstable
release, and hopefully release 3.2 withe support for the Immix-flavored
collector in another 6 or 9 months.

I thought that we would be forced to make ABI changes, if only because
of some legacy

assume conservative tracing of object contents. But after a discussion
at FOSDEM with Carlo Piovesan I
realized this isn't true: because the decision to evacuate or not is
made on a collection-by-collection basis, I could simply disable
evacuation if the user ever uses a facility that might prohibit object
motion, for example if they ever define a SMOB type. If the user wants
evacuation, they need to be more precise with their data types, but
either way Guile is ready.

Whippet: A Better GC?

An Immix-derived GC



Guile 3.2 ?

Thanks to MMTk authors for inspiration!

And that's it! Thanks for reading all the way here. Comments are quite

As I mentioned in the very beginning, this talk was really about Whippet
in the context of Guile. There is a different talk to be made about
Guile+Whippet versus other language implementations, for example those
with concurrent marking or semi-space nurseries or the like. Yet
another talk is Whippet in the context of other GC algorithms. But this
is a start. It's something I've been working on for a while now already
and I'm pleased that it's gotten to a point where it seems to be at
least OK, at least an improvement with respect to BDW-GC in some ways.

But before leaving you, another chart, to give a more global idea of the
state of things. Here we compare a single mutator thread performing a
specific microbenchmark that makes trees and also lots of fragmentation,
across three different GC implementations and a range of heap sizes.
The heap size multipliers in this and in all the other tests in this
post are calculated analytically based on what the test thinks its
maximum heap size should be, not by measuring minimum heap sizes that
work. This size is surely lower than the actual maximum required heap
size due to internal fragmentation, but the tests don't know about this.

The three collectors are BDW, a semi-space collector, and whippet.
Semi-space manages to squeeze in less than 2x of a heap multiplier
because it has (and whippet has) a separate large object

that isn't ever evacuated.

What we expect is that tighter heaps impose more GC time, and indeed we
see that times are higher on the left side than the right.

Whippet is the only implementation that manages to run at a 1.3x heap,
but it takes some time. It's slower than BDW at a 1.5x heap but better
there on out, until what appears to be a bug or pathology makes it take
longer at 5x. Adding memory should always decrease run time.

The semi-space collector starts working at 1.75x and then surpasses all
collectors from 2.5x onwards. We expect the semi-space collector to win
for big heaps, because its overhead is proportional to live data only,
whereas mark-sweep and mark-region collectors have to sweep, which is
proportional to heap size, and indeed that's what we see.

I think this chart shows we have some tuning yet to do. The range
between 2x and 3x is quite acceptable, but we need to see what's causing
Whippet to be slower than BDW at 1.5x. I haven't done as much
performance tuning as I would like to but am happy to finally be able to
know where we stand.

And that's it! Happy hacking, friends, and may your heap sizes be ever

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