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AND(&&) Operator in JavaScript | Explained

While dealing with mathematical computations in JavaScript, the “&&” or AND operator is very helpful in computing the values. In addition to that, this technique is much needed to apply a check upon a particular condition and place the exceptions where needed. Furthermore, it can handle most of the code based on a particular condition effectively.

This blog will explain the use of && operator in JavaScript.

What is JavaScript AND(&&) Operator?

The “AND(&&)” operator in JavaScript performs logical AND operation on two boolean operands. It returns true if both statements are true. In the other case, if any of its values is false, the output value will be false.


x && y

In the given syntax, “x” and “y” are the operands on which the && operator will be applied.

Truth Table of && Operator

x y x && y
true true true
true false false
false true false
false false false

Operator Precedence

The “AND(&&)” operator has comparatively higher precedence than the “OR(||)” operator in such a way that the && operator is executed before the || operator.

The following example explains the precedence concept.


In this example, the statement (true && false) will execute first due to the higher precedence of the “AND(&&)” operator. This will result in “false”:

true && (false || false)

Now, the statement becomes:

false || false

The “OR” of both the false statements will yield:


Now, let’s check out some examples related to the working of && operator in JavaScript.

Example 1: Applying AND(&&) Operator on the Boolean Values

In the following example, we will first assign “true” as boolean values to both variables named “x” and “y”. Then, apply the “&&” operator. As both of the values are true, so the resultant value will be true:

var x = true;

var y = true;

var result = x && y;


Similarly, assign the following boolean values to the same variables and apply the “&&” operator. This will result in “false” as one value is false:

x = true;

y = false;

result = x && y;


Likewise, analyze the following conditions based on the discussed concept of “&&” operator and log the corresponding boolean value:

x = false;

y = true;

result = x && y;


x = false;

y = false;

result = x && y;


The corresponding output will be:

In the above output, it is evident that only the first value is true which is a result of both the operands being true.

Example 2: Applying AND(&&) Operator on the Initialized Value

In this example, initialize a value “1” to the following variable:

let x = 1;

Next, apply the “&&” operator with the following values to the initialized value and observe the result:

console.log("The resultant value is:", x &&= 2)

console.log("The resultant value is:", x &&= 1)

It can be seen that logical AND “&&=” operation is successfully applied in the both statement which updated the value of the x variable likewise:

Example 3: Applying AND(&&) Operator as a Condition

Firstly, ask the user to input a value via prompt:

input= prompt("Enter a value:")

Now, if the entered value satisfies both of the following conditions using “&&” operator, the “if” block will execute:

if (input > 5 && input < 10){



In the other case, the below “else” block will execute:





We have compiled the easiest methods related to the usage of && in JavaScript.


In JavaScript, the && operator can be applied on the boolean values to compute the resultant value. Also, it can be implemented upon the initialized value in order to utilize it and yield a desired value, or can be implemented as a condition to satisfy the given requirements. This blog demonstrated the use of “&&” in JavaScript with the help of different examples.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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