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Amazon Virtual Private Cloud | Explained

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is an Amazon service that provides the user to create and then manage virtual networks. The administrator can deploy the cloud resources into these virtual networks by finding the backbone of the network which will carry all the traffic in that cloud. AWS provides the opportunity to create a VPC and use it on its platform.

What is Amazon VPC?

Amazon VPC is a virtual network dedicated to the AWS platform providing on-demand cloud resources remotely across the globe. The VPC simply scans the availability zones containing subnets across a particular region provided by the cloud provider. Each availability zone can contain multiple subnets which can be a “Public Subnet”, “Private Subnet”, or “VPN-only” and inside those subnets, cloud resources can be deployed:

Benefits of VPC

A few of the benefits of Amazon VPC are mentioned below:

Secure: Amazon VPC provides the security aspect as all the resources or databases on the cloud are available inside the virtual network.

Scalability: As it is used in the cloud so it has the ability to scale itself up and down however required.

Customization: The developers need customization power which is offered by AWS VPC so they can create their own custom VPC and use it as needed:

How to Use Amazon VPC?

To use Amazon VPC, simply head into VPC service from the AWS platform and click on the “Create VPC” button:

Type the name of the VPC and the IPv4 CIDR on this page:

Scroll down the page and click on the “Create VPC” button:

After that, select the “Subnets” from the left panel on the VPC dashboard and click on the “Create subnet” button:

Select the “VPC ID” in which the subnet will be created and then type the name of the subnet:

Type the “IPv4 CIDR” but keep in mind the CIDR of the VPC and then click on the “Create subnet” button:

After that, head into the EC2 dashboard using the AWS platform and click on the “Launch Instances” button from the “Instances” pages:

Type the name of the instance and select the Amazon Machine Image for the instance:

Select the instance type (Preferably Free Tier if the platform allows) and then select the private key pair file:

Scroll down the page, and expand the “Network settings”, to select the “VPC” and “Subnet” created earlier:

Review the settings and click on the “Launch Instance” button to complete the process of instance creation:

Once the instance is created, simply select it from the platform to get the details:

You have successfully created and used a virtual private cloud in AWS.


Amazon Virtual Private Cloud provides a virtual network using the AWS platform and stores cloud resources on it. Resources used on VPC are placed securely and have the flexibility of scaling them as the workload fluctuates. The user can create a VPC and set up subnets inside it to store cloud resources like EC2 instances and then use it in a virtual network.

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Source: linuxhint.com

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