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5 Lesser-Known Open Source Web Browsers for Linux in 2022

5 Lesser-Known Open Source Web Browsers for Linux in 2022

If you’re in search of open-source web browsers that are lesser-known to you, this article is written for you. This article takes you through 5 amazing open-source web browsers that are readily available for your Linux system. Let’s find out the options to choose from in 2022.


Konqueror web browser is developed by KDE. Konqueror is one of the lesser-known open-source web browsers that’s been built on top of KHTML. Konqueror has been built for any kind of file previewing and file management. Konqueror makes use of KHTML or KDEWebKit rendering engines. File management is done on ftp and sftp servers using Dolphin’s features including service menus, version-control, and the basic UI. It has a full-featured FTP client. So, you can split views to show remote and local folders and previews on the same window.

For previewing files, the Konqueror browser has in-built embedded applications, such as Gwenview for pictures, Okular and Calligra used for documents, KTextEditor for text-files, etc. You can use its various plugins, such as Service-menus, KPart for AdBlocking, KIO to access files, and others.

The international KDE community does the maintenance of the Konqueror browser. 


GNOME Web comes next in this list of free and open-source web browsers made for Linux. It’s a clean browser that features first-class GNOME and Pantheon desktop integrations. It also includes a built-in adblocker and Intelligent Tracking Prevention. It primarily follows GNOME’s design philosophy. So, there’s no wasted space or useless widgets.

Despite being a GNOME component, the GNOME Web browser is independent of any GNOME components. The GNOME Web is built on top of the WebKit rendering engine. You can use Flatpak to install Epiphany because Flatpak is the most reliable application distribution mechanism used for Linux. Elementary OS and Bodhi Linux use GNOME Web as their default web browser. Did you know GNOME Web browser’s codename is Epiphany? Why Epiphany? Well, this means a sudden perception or manifestation of the meaning of something. Let’s move on towards our next open-source browser.

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Source: Linux Journal - The Original Magazine of the Linux Community

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