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10 Best Python Books for Experienced Programmers

If you want to level up your programming skills now or in the future, then learning Python is the best option. Python is a general-purpose, high-level modern programming language that is used almost in every field, including AI and computer science. Most big brands, like Google, Facebook, Netflix, etc., are utilizing this language for their development.

Python is a modern, easy-to-learn, and highly recommended language for new users or programmers. The simplicity of Python is attracting many developers worldwide right now, especially when it comes to developing web applications, games, and GUI applications.

So, if you already know the basics of Python and want to learn advanced concepts or looking to master your Python skills, then this tutorial is for you.

This write-up provides an in-depth overview of the 10 best books for experienced programmers.

Let’s get started!

1. Introduction to Machine Learning With Python: A Guide for Data Scientists

Machine learning is widely used in many online applications and research projects. Google, YouTube, and Instagram use different Machine learning algorithms for different tasks. If you have a little knowledge of Python basics, then this book will teach you different ways to build Machine Learning Algorithms.

The Good thing about this book is that the authors provide practical knowledge of Machine Learning algorithms rather than concentrating only on mathematical computation. The knowledge of libraries such as “numpy” and “matplotlib” will help you to grasp advanced concepts more accurately and efficiently.

The following terminologies are discussed in this book in detail:

    • Machine learning fundamental concepts.
    • Advantages and disadvantages of different machine learning algorithms.
    • Representation of machine learning data.
    • Knowledge of algorithm chains and pipelines.
    • Model evaluation and tuning of parameters with advanced techniques.
    • Improving Machine learning skills.
    • Improving Data science skills.
    • Dealing with text data.

Final Thoughts

This book will assist you in building your machine-learning algorithms/solutions.

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2. Advanced-Data Science and Analytics With Python

This book is dedicated to all programmers who have a basic knowledge of Python and want to excel in their careers by learning new skills. All the topics discussed in this book are related to data science and analytics. The author’s focus was to cover new and modern topics using different Python tool packages such as pandas, NumPy, SciKit, Beautiful Soup, and others.

This book covered the below-listed topics:

    • Advanced topics of data science and analytics (the reader must have familiarity with Python).
    • Explained various coding examples.
    • Practical explanation of different packages and tools.
    • No sequential path for the reader, i.e., readers can learn any topic from the book according to their needs.
    • Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
    • Time series analysis and social network analysis.

Final Thoughts

This book presents a comprehensive guide on advanced data science topics using different python tools.

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3. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning With Python

This book converse interesting topics of computer science using Python programming language. Programmers with basic knowledge of Python programming can upgrade their skills by following this book. Through examples, this book covered all the topics that are necessary for Python programming.

This book covered the following topics:

    • Variables, expressions, and statements.
    • Functions, conditions, and recursion.
    • Explanation of all Python Data structures.
    • OOP concepts.
    • Debugging of code.

Concluding Remarks

This book covered all the coding concepts compulsory to become a Python developer. This book will enhance the reader’s ability to think like a computer scientist.

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4. Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling With Pandas, NumPy, and IPython

This book is recommended for experienced programmers having a strong fundamental knowledge of Python programming. It covered the advanced concepts of data analysis using various latest data science packages such as Pandas, NumPy and IPython.

This book covered the following topics:

    • Working with NumPy tools: basic and advanced features.
    • Exploring pandas library: basic and advanced features.
    • Perform multiple operations on data like merging, cleaning, transforming, etc.
    • Visualizing data with Matplotlib.
    • Solving real-world data analysis problems.


By using data science tools and libraries, the author demonstrated how to manipulate, process, clean, and crunch the datasets in Python.

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5. Python Pocket Reference: Python in Your Pocket

This book is a hands-on Python programming experience with a large collection of exercises and information. The book provides a concise, clear, and deep understanding of various Python concepts. This book is best for beginners and experienced programmers to master their programming skills.

This book covered the following topics:

    • Knowledge of different built-in object types.
    • Program design and structure using functions and modules.
    • OOP programming concept.
    • Exception handling, built-in function.
    • Use of the standard library modules.
    • Python SQL database API.
    • Special operator overloading method.

Final Remarks

This book is a complete compact toolbox that delivers essential Python knowledge at your fingertips.

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6. Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming

This is the best-recommended book for experienced Python programmers, as it will help programmers to polish their Python skills and write programs in an efficient way. This book will teach the readers how to write a short, clear, and effective Python program.

This book covered the following topics:

    • Python Data Model.
    • Deep knowledge of Python Data Structure.
    • Learn how function as an object affects popular design patterns.
    • Metaprogramming concept.
    • Control flow topics like iterator, iterable, coroutines, generators, etc.
    • Object-oriented concepts like classes, inheritance, multiple inheritances, etc.

Final Thoughts

This book will teach its readers how to become a pro python developer using core language features/libraries of Python. This book teaches you how to code concisely and effectively.

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7. Python Cookbook: Recipes for Mastering Python 3

This book helps you to master your Python programming skills. The book helps experienced programmers to apply new approaches in their programming by using modern tools and methods. This book covers various topics, including basic to advanced concepts of Python. Every topic is explained with coding examples.

The following topics are explained with examples in this book:

    • Data type and Data Structure.
    • Iterators and iterable.
    • OOP concepts (classes and objects).
    • Modules, packages, and functions.
    • Exception handling.
    • Testing and debugging.

Final Remarks

This book is for experienced Python programmers that demonstrate how to use advanced tools and idioms.

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8. Programming Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming

This book is best recommended for an advanced programmer who has all the fundamental knowledge of Python. The in-depth knowledge of Python domains such as GUI, Web, and system administration are discussed in detail in this book by author “Mark Lutz”. Every topic in this book is covered through examples that help the user to apply their understanding practically in Python.

This book covered the following topics:

    • Basic knowledge of Python.
    • Text processing, front-end scripting layers, and networking.
    • Command line scripting.
    • Use of Python Tkinter widget library.

Concluding Remarks

This book teaches programmers how to deal with real-world Python programming problems using advanced skills.

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9. Learn Python the Hard Way (3rd Edition)

This book is best for programmers who have a knowledge of basic python and need to upgrade their skills using practical examples/exercises. As this book provides a hands-on experience of 52 crafted exercises. The book provides its reader with an understanding of a well-written program structure, common mistakes in code, and the new approaches and techniques to apply while coding.

This book covered the following topics:

    • Basic Mathematics concepts.
    • Knowledge of Strings, variables, data structures, and loops.
    • Program design and structure.
    • Python packages and modules.

Final Remarks

In this book, programming is explained through practical exercises and explanations of concepts using debugging and testing tools.

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10. Python Crash Course

This book provides hands-on practical experience in Python programming. The author “Eric Matthes” provides a project-based introduction to Python programming in this book. Throughout this book, you can learn Python quickly, solve a range of problems, and can work on a variety of Python projects.

This book covered the following topics:

    • Variables, Lists, classes, and loops.
    • Hands-on knowledge of various projects.
    • Working with different libraries.

Final Remarks

It is the worldwide best-selling book that shows you how to build games, solve problems, and write programs in no time.

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That’s all about this informative guide for experienced Python programmers.


The choice of the book completely depends on your interest, as there are multiple best books available for experienced programmers. If you have strong python fundamentals and want to learn advanced data science skills, then the book “Python for Data Analysis” is the best choice. If you want to brush up your skills by practicing and solving various Python problems, then the books “Python Crash Course” and “Learn Python the Hard way” are the best choice. This post provided a short introduction of the 10 best Python books for experienced programmers with their buying links.

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